Everything posted by Malleus
New rider looking for bike advice
Hi and welcome - my two cents - could be a good fit, might not be. Maybe test ride if possible. 600cc is pretty standard as a first bike IMO. (I assume you have learnt on a smaller bike? not sure how it works in the US?)
New forum memeber
Hi Billy, welcome in. YZF-R125's are one of my pet peeves - but I won't hold it against you I hope you have picked up some decent security for this as if I remember correctly it is one of the most frequently stolen bikes in the UK. If you need advice there are a few threads on YOC about locks/alarms etc.
Absolute idiot (but funny)
waste of good peppers
R125 YZF - Space to attach a phone case!?
Be careful - as the satnav wont be in your line of sight you will have to look down to see it unlike in a car. I agree, travelling with sound prompts alone can be a pain. I used to have my phone in the clear part of tank bag (which is much worse than mounted on the yoke) gave up as between having to look down, running out of battery, and not being able to see anything due to sun it became pointless. If I am travelling unknown routes I generally look at the route first then use audio directions. If needed I just pull over to check route. And hey - sometimes getting lost is part of the fun right?
R125 YZF - Space to attach a phone case!?
As mentioned first I would guess the easiest and safest option would just be a universal RAM mount attached to the yoke.. part of me is wondering why you would mount a phone to sport bike - I mean there is a reason you are finding it difficult and Yam don't make any official phone holding accessories for it. (But then I am also really confused by sporty 125's being ridden off the track anyway! so each to their own I guess - good luck)
bikers attack car driver
Yea, I meant suspicious that the whole thing was not what it seemed
bikers attack car driver
If a biker stopped and immediately pulled out a selfie stick I would find it extremely suspicious.
Bike involved in a smash
Hope you are all good! As drewpy says if they smashed into you make them pay - sure if it was the other way round they wouldn't be scouting for parts
Day light robbery?
Im not sure - I haven't watched it with sound. But tbh I wouldn't put it past them to be so brazen. But yea can't take anything at face value.. I assumed the guy on the T-MAX wanted something bigger like his pals on the XJ6 and Street Triple? Plus I imagine its all stolen as you can see the guys numberplate.. and I assume police would have checked that.......
Day light robbery?
Yamaha XT 125 headlight bulb change, help?
Hi Trevor, There are a few XT owners out there and a few threads RE the headlight. I think there is a central clip keeping the front plastics in - but if you look around it should be fairly obvious. not sure if you can change them without removing the front plastic and indicators or not.
MT-125 stolen :(
It is shit, I think you need some extra security with these bikes, as they are expensive for 125's, but still light and fairly easy to steal. If it was not nailed down - all it takes it a couple guys to come along, pick it up and chuck it in a van. Hopefully insurance aren't too shit and you get it sorted and back on the road ASAP.
RD350LC finished .
Looks great -
New member
Hello and welcome
Yz owner once again ! :)
pics! and Welcome
Weird noise from transmission/two tone oil -MT09
Thanks guys. Just kind of nervous around the engine - not really an area I have messed about with before - I will give it a go and see what happens
Weird noise from transmission/two tone oil -MT09
So after much deliberation and some tinkering it appears that any adjustments to my CCT will only last about 40 minutes before it becomes loose again. So I have gone and purchased a new CCT. Service manual says: I need to 'remove the 'timing mark accessing bolt and crankshaft cover' (fine ok) then a. Turn crankshaft counterclockwise (FINE) b. when piston #1 is at BTDC125 degrees on the compression stroke, align BTDC125 degrees mark 'a' with the generator rotor mark 'b' - BTDC125 on the compression stroke can be found when the camshaft lobes are turned away from each other ( huh..no idea - but in simple language I assume this means turn until the two marks in the hole line up....?) Anyone who has read my posts will know I am not overly technical so this makes no sense to me - but my main questions are why do I have to do this just to removed the CCT? and if I do remove the CCT cover and crankshaft end cover will I need to drain oil first? (not sure how silly these questions are!)
Self adjusting motorcycle screens
thanks - looks cool. Currently have no need for one but think they are a good idea and am also glad I did not just imagine the screen was moving around.
- hi all :)
Hi new dragstar owner
Hello and welcome
Any Instagramers?
Was also wondering - but British TV does get everywhere. I pressed the button! Good luck.
Any Instagramers?
I am happy to help if all it means is pressing a button - how do you vote?
Tuning question.
I don't know what your talking about - but now my work computers search history includes a google search for 'hotter cam' and the results weren't about engines.......
1981 SR 185 Exciter
people like pictures - Also a short intro in the new members sections wouldn't go amiss
Hello, New Yamaha owner here.
wow, with those tyres and that engine on that surface, go easy on the throttle!