Everything posted by Malleus
Never Ending Bad Luck
Yea - 100% owners fault. Staffordshire Terriers have a bad reputation, but in my experience they are lovely - the only problem is usually with the owners. Unbelievable that he would say 'not my responsibility.' Guys not fit to look after a house plant, let alone an animal.
Idiots on the road
I weave for fun because I am such a cool guy.. but when I see other people doing it I'm like 'pffff grow up.' haha
04 r6
Perhaps there are aftermarket forks that would fit straight out of the box with less hassle? I'm not really sure if there would be any other issue with a switch to Upside-down forks. - I assume that is where the difference in diameter comes from though....
Hello All, my name's Dave
Hi Dave Welcome!
There are these guys http://viking-motorcycle-seats.co.uk/ Cant say I especially 'recommend' them. My bike came with a custom seat that happened to be made by them. It was flatter and wider and added about 6cm to height, which I did not like. Swapped it for 'Yamaha Comfort Seat' (yea right!) - while the riding position is now spot on I do miss how comfy the custom seat was....
oil window
Wow.. simple yet effective.. I just get on the floor and pull the bike upright and hope it doesn't fall on my head.. Think I'll look for a bit of wood next time.
04 r6
are the lowering links that are fitted adjustable? Perhaps they could be changed to stock height/near stock height. Why change the front end? Do you mean only the forks? Diameters are 2mm difference - but you can make anything work if you want it to...
Thermal paint
Ah, cool - I was wondering how they did such detailed work with paint that would be invisible unless hot!
Thermal paint
Not a design I would go with personally.. but I like the idea.
worst brown trouser moment ever
Glad you came through ok.
MT125 mods ?
I have seen quite a few tank bags which come with options to tie on as well as magnets, but never tested them without magnets. Yamaha make a tank bag for the MT-125 - (It is £100 though - but if you have already forked out for the MT-125, suppose that is not too much?) doubles as a backpack. I think it actually looks pretty cool..... https://www.yamaha-motor.eu/uk/accessories/genuine-options/luggage/tank-bag-mt-125/5D7-F0750-00-00/details.acc#75lICdY5vqPSIRuu.97 ( If you chuck the "part number" (5D7-F0750-00-00) into somewhere like motorcyclespareparts.eu you may be able to get it a bit cheaper also. (I used to buy in Euros which was even better, but following recent events - its not such a good deal anymore!)
Probably the most ridiculous hybrid............in the world
I like that it has two horns
New Member
Welcome to the YOC
Looong trip planned - Howto save my butt?
Wow - 2 hours - I get uncomfortable after 40 minutes - and I bought the 'comfort seat' I reckon the stock seat was just an upholstered piece of rough wood
- M25
- M25
Yamaha DT 125 1994
Hello and welcome to the YOC
Next year is plenty of time to loose a few pounds if you want to go faster - love the limo
- M25
TDM 850 /900
Assumed it might be- but have also heard people use this to refer to brake caliper pistons and was wondering if I missed something - where 2 pistons were preferable for touring...
Moments when you feel smug being a motorcyclist
haha - yea - good investment +-£300k to sit in traffic? Hope the seats are comfy
TDM 850 /900
What is a '2 pot'? Curious why TDM and not FJR? - Also TDM has no centre stand - not sure how annoying it might be for chain maintenance etc whilst on the road
- fuel tap
Burtpore Inn
Shiny - I don't know what the bike in the 5th photo is but it looks awesome. I imagine it is something this guy would ride.
Moments when you feel smug being a motorcyclist
Don't think so - just not giving a crap. When I first started driving I would see people swerving around etc and think - 'are they injured/sick - maybe something happened to them/perhaps they are drunk? etc - 9/10 times they are on the phone or eating/drinking. 'I wonder why this woman has just swerved out over the middle line' - drive past - 'Oh she is eating a sandwich!' Frustrating yes - but there is a solution - especially for those 4X4 driving around with one guy in - buy a bike. I heard somewhere that if 10% of people driving cars in London swapped for motorcycles congestion would drop to almost 0. (Don't quote me though cant remember who said this or whether they are trustworthy!)