Moto GP
Racing line!! Your kidding right? He did try to go round. That's when Rossi stuck out his knee. Where was he supposed to go. You are aware that bikes lean to the right on right hand bends aren't you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UXcFuusm84
Moto GP
Bollocks. There is no head butt there. Come on Hat take off those number 46 blinkers. Look at all the angles. Particularly the Marquez on-board. Where is the head butt.?? Look at Rossis forks. They are compressed. He is braking in front of Marquez. As Marquez moves past Rossis forks extend and he sticks out a knee.
Moto GP
Think you'll find that Rossi has come off worst. Be hard for him to win the championship now. Rossi made a poor judgement here and its him that's paid the price. Got off lucky if you ask me.
Yam XJ6 brake light not cancelling
Think I'd try a squirt of lubricant or WD40 to the switch and lever pivot bolt first.
Its not an XJ (Divvy) its an XJR. Not a lot of similarity Mike TBH. Just the Yamaha badge!!
Mike. Sorry for confusing you. The first two are the Fazer 600 and the last one is my XJR1300. Not sure I'm going to go the whole hog on the Fazer to be honest. Just need something to run about on during winter. Thought I saw you floating about on here. Recognised the patter!! The XJR was bad but not quite as bad as the Fazer. At least the XJR was running when I got it.
Just joined. My first love is my XJR1300 (1999) which I bought as a bit of a shed about 4 years ago. I stripped it right down and restored it to original condition. I like standard!!! She is sitting with 57k on the clock now but still runs lovely and I can not bring myself to move it on. Its probably looking like a keeper. Just bought a FZS600 Fazer W reg but looks like a year 2000 model and its an import. Its been sitting unloved and unused outside for a couple of year after it shed its chain. Collecting bits and pieces together at the moment to get it on the road. Intention was to use it as a hack or rat during winter and general usage and save the XJR for sunny days!! Will be looking for advice and probably some parts for it soon. Fazer Project and my XJR below