Everything posted by Ravies
Identifying DT250 MX
Literally just seen this post Blackhat (slow on the uptake or what). Cheers for finding that mate. So my bike is a 1R7 and has 3 coils which makes it a DT250D you say? I'm just trying to establish this once and for all now because I'm needing to torque up the magneto nut and the difference between the F and the D is about 20NM. Not to mention it always helps to know what bike you're working on ;).
Runs on carb cleaner
Brilliant! I drowned the carb in carb cleaner and it's all systems go! Finally she runs! Thanks very much for the help with that one I can stop pulling my hair out and start pulling the clutch apart now! Ace!
Runs on carb cleaner
Hi all, I've got another clue to the mystery of why my DT250MX won't start. I have spark, I have air, I have fuel (spark plug gets wet and I have to clear the fuel), I have compression but for some reason it won't start. It will however, roar into life for a second if I spray carb cleaner in the air box (as you'd probably expect) but then dies again, throttle on OR off. So my question is what does it mean? Does it go any way to eliminating reasons why it won't start? or does it simply prove that air is coming through the air box and into the cylinder, and that I have a spark? Cheers
Adding lighting to a DT250MX
Yeah I think Yambits have them for like £8 or so which is about right for something I'll probably only use a handful of times in my life. So if it's a DT250MX then it should theoretically have a lighting coil? I'll get that tool ordered and crack it open. Immaculate bike by the way. Hopefully I'll have something similar to show one day but I'm a ways off yet!
Adding lighting to a DT250MX
Oh splendid, I appear not to have asked that stupid a question, that's a good start. Cheers to you both for getting back to me. I think there's quite a lot of confusion around what bike it is to be honest. I suspect it might be a bit of a mish-mash? I thought it was the MXs that had the monoshock? I'll take a look at that parts list and see what I can see. Either way you've both given me new hope. Pulling the flywheel and having a good old fashioned look should probably have been plan A. Do I need a flywheel puller necessarily, or can one be improvised? Thanks again, Ash
Adding lighting to a DT250MX
Hi, What is the procedure for adding headlight, indicators, brake light and possibly horn (general road legality, MOT passing kind of stuff) to a bike that left the factory without them? I figured that the best way would be to replace the magneto with one from a road legal DT250, which has a lighting coil - problem is, ebay says that all of those (all of them!) are in the states and are very expensive. Short of trawling bike shows for someone that has exactly what I'm looking for, what are my options? Bear in mind also that the bike doesn't have to be practical but it does have to be pretty. Cheers!
DT250MX Oil Delivery Sytem
Haha! I had my answer about 10 posts ago but all this bickering has given me an even clearer plan. I think I'm going to go without the pump initially for aesthetic and (to a lesser extent) weight saving purposes. But then see how I get on and consider introducing the pump later on. So there you have it. You're all right!! And thanks again for your assistance with this matter.
DT250MX Oil Delivery Sytem
Well I'm hearing good reasons for and against the oil pump. But what I'm taking away from this is that pre-mixing isn't necessarily a BAD idea - and that's kind of what I wanted to hear. I'm not worried about practicality because this isn't going to be a daily, it will be for when I finish work early in the summer. So is the drill pretty much to ride around with a little vile of 2-stroke oil around your neck?
DT250MX Oil Delivery Sytem
Hello! I'm thinking of ditching the Autolube oil delivery system from my '81 DT250MX/I suspect that the previous owner has already done that for me but I haven't got around to making 100% sure. Basically I'm going for the 'oil in the petrol tank' approach. Does anyone know the oil/fuel ratio for doing this. I've never owned a 2-stroke so I'm used to just sticking it all in the bottom end and being done with it. Cheers.
Identifying DT250 MX
Just for future reference I contacted Yamaha who tell me it's a 1981.
1981 DT250MX Manual?
Wow! Quick response, cheers slice. Actually turns out they have a UK distributor as well so guess I can't go far wrong. Fingers crossed
1981 DT250MX Manual?
Most pertinently - is there one? I can find Haynes manuals for all other years and capacities of DT but not the 1981 250MX. There are Clymer manuals from America. Any one had any experience with these? Would they differ that much from a Haynes manual apart from maybe using different measurements? Cheers.
Identifying DT250 MX
Cheers Cynic. I thought that might be the case but I know some forums can be funny about links and image hosting. I will try that and get some up tonight!
Thanks for the warm welcome Blackhat and the encouraging words regarding the bike. I'm having trouble uploading pictures to the site - keeps telling me the file size is too large (when I know it isn't). No photo uploading privileges on a free membership maybe?
Identifying DT250 MX
Thanks very much for getting back to me guys. Blackhat, you say 250 F but it has got the under-seat mono-shock and from what I can gather so far that's what got added when they made the MX? MX meaning MonoCross? Or am I just making this up? I tried to upload a picture but it's telling me I can only upload a certain file size, larger than that of the file I'm trying to upload . But trivia aside - you say these are the numbers I'm looking for? Am I also right in saying that normally engine and frame numbers aren't the same but Yamaha engine and frame numbers usually are?
Identifying DT250 MX
Hi, New to the forum. Just bought a DT250 MX for £300 - it's in a bit of a state but that's okay (that was the plan). Wasn't used on the road for many years and so has no reg plates (among other things). I'm trying to find the VIN so I can send off for the log book. WHERE IS THE VIN?! I've located a number of some description on the headstock and on the engine (they match) that goes like *1R7-132216* but I've come to understand that this isn't what I'm looking for. Could anyone tell me what that number is and more importantly, where are the numbers I'm looking for? You'd think this would be a simple operation but it's been made slightly more difficult by the previous owner having repainted the frame "when he was younger". So anywhere I do look will involve some time removing paint. Best.
HI all, Just got myself a tatty old DT250 MX of unknown year (finding that out is my current mission) which I'm hoping will look a lot prettier once I'm finished with it.