Everything posted by Helpin Sis.
Valve Adjustment MAXIM 400
Thanks for the advice. I'll try again. I thought I folowed the directions clearly with regards to where the lobe should be?? Lin0
Valve Adjustment MAXIM 400
One more thing. When I loosen the cam and lift it won't the spring just bring the tappet up to meet the cam?? Isn't the point of the tool to hold the tappet down and allow room under the cam to access the shim? Will I need to somehow hold the tappet down?? Lino
Valve Adjustment MAXIM 400
Thanks for that. The cam chain seems extremely tight. Will the cams lift without loosening the chain? Sorry total noob to valve adjustments this way.... I kind of figured some of you had figured how to do it w/o the tool. Thanks Lino
Valve Adjustment MAXIM 400
So last night I checked valve clearance and the exhaust was in spec on both sides but the intake is out. it's around .003 and needs to be around .006 I believe. I have the special tool, followed the manual but wasn't able to access the shim to pull it out. It seems the tool wasn't holding the valve down or somthing. It's a motion pro after market tool. I could be doing soemthing wrong. Any advice, tricks to make it work??? Here's a pic of the tool installed. Thanks Lino
Tear Down Begins
Great that's what I was hoping. I'll check them tomorrow. Doing valves tomorrow as well. That should be a challenge. Thanks for your help xmastree.. Lino
Tear Down Begins
I did clean everything with a carb cleaner. I may have mixed up the jets though. Are they identifiable in some way?? I'll have to pull them out and make sure I've reassembled correctly.
Tear Down Begins
I had them completely apart and the bottom of the bowls had a yellowish film that cleaned up easy. I think it was the gas that was in them that dried. They were surprisingly very clean.
Tear Down Begins
I have the carbs off the bike. Had them completely apart, did a good clean and noticed one of them is missing the pilot jet plug. Can anyone tell me what the plug does and where I can get one.? Is it critical for the carb to function properly? Here's a couple pics. What do ya think? Do they look clean enough? First carbs I've ever done so not sure how clean they should be? You might of notice in behind the carbs in the first pic. I started brushing the chrome on the engine brackets. I hit the carb bodies as well with scotchbrite pads and chrome cleaner. I'm doing most of the chrome on the bike (not much really) and doing away with the gold accents. Not a fan of the gold look.
Thanks for the welcome. I wasn't sure I'd get one at all what with the Harley... Seems a lot of bashing takes place on forums if you don't ride a specific bike. I personally don't care what I ride as long as I can ride. Why limit yourself to one make, model or style. Life is all about variety. Anyway again cheers for the welcome... I've got the carbs out of the YAMA XS400 last night. It was tougher than I thought. Didn't remove the aribox so I had to wrestle them out a bit. It went OK. They look clean and undamaged but I may replace some bits just to be safe. I'll be posting some questions about it in the appropriate forum. Lino
Tear Down Begins
Thanks for the info, much appreciated. I'll check all that out. I'll post more once I get further alongI'm hoping it's nothing to serious Would love to get this bike running without spending a bunch of money. It's s starter bike for my sister who doesn't have a lot of extra $$$ to throw at it.
Tear Down Begins
Helpin sis with her new bike.(my profile name) Posted an introduction yesterday. http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/Introduction-t6516.html It's 1984 XS400 Maxim that runs but has some issues. 1. Left pipe stays cold when running. Cylinder not firing I assume?? 2. Oil around left exhaust 3. Starts w/choke but cuts out the second you give it gas or try to take choke off. 4. Stalls when you try to put it gear. That's all I know for now. Just began the tearddown. Here's some pics.... Any tips/advice on what to check first would be appreciated. Thanks Lino Yuck!!!!! I think it's droppin down from the exhaust port
Just thought I should introduce myself before asking for help with my recent project. My name is Lino, live in Toronto, Canada. Have a 82 Suzuki GS 400 - rebuilt it for my wife, bought a 07 Harley Road King to replace the GS and am now about to start fixin an 1984 Yamaha XS400 for my sister. Both my wife and my sister got their licenses last weekend and once I get the Yamaha fixed will be doing some family riding. I belong to a couple other bike forums that have been really helpful and am hoping this one will be the same. I've poked around and there seems to be a lot of info to absorb. here are pics of 2 of the rides. Sorry not the Yamaha. It literally arrived half an hour ago. Was yellow recently painted like this the Road King There they are. I'll post Yamaha pics soon. Thanks