Everything posted by Silkk
blinker problem
When you swap to LED sometimes the flasher units dont register it so the indicator will either stay illuminated or not work at all. This is because of how the lights are lit via the current. Most after market LED's will need a new flasher unit that drops the voltage to the correct spec. Did you check the working values of the lights to see if they matched your harness/loom before buying them?
are you willing to help??
If you get stuck Grouch, give me a shout.
Andy pandy
Andy Pandy... where is Teddy?
ybr125 injected
Not only that, if she hasnt got her license and the police see the uprated running gear, its a one way ticket for earning the points As a side note, its a 125cc, what did you honestly expect, that it pulls away from the line and keeps up with the bigger bikes?
Andy pandy
Know who to go to for spares Welcome
Big bike time!
this is true but I must admit if I jump on my ybr125 after I've been on the old Gen I find I scrape the foot rests on corners. Nearly binned binned it a few times for having sparks off those pegs lol
can you post in the wanted section please? I thank you
XT 125 X fork seal and head bearing replacement
It's all about the patience but on this I will agree with DT. They normally come free with a little prodding and levering :)
Big bike time!
and why not? I went straight from the GZ125 up to a ZX750RR. Took some getting used to but brilliant for an everyday bike. The only advice I would give against the ZXR is the ram air system, as filtering in traffic on a warm day has a tendency for the bike to over heat and then cut out. Even with the built in fan. That being said, I retro fitted a separate fan switch onto the bars so when I fired it up I could turn the fan on straight away, keeping the bike cooler. If your looking at a zx I would also suggest getting "water free" cooling for it. As again it keep the temp down a lot lower than most water based coolants. To be fair, any liquid cooled bike I would suggest getting the water free. Its expensive but sooooo worth it in the 4 strokes. You can look at the cooling here: http://www.evanscoolants.co.uk
slightly confused. Can you elaborate or translate please
Newbie on the block
Hi..... Nice to meet you too. Got to admit, your welcome statement fell a bit short..... As for your question.... Have a look around in the relevant threads
Project T.U.R.D
Would love to be a fly on the wall when you go through customs. And the scan you luggage and you have to try explain why you got a little scoot scoot in your suitcase. that should be an interesting conversation lol
Piccies please. Let us see how shines it is Also good to know about the wax. Any chance you could get a hold of the name of this "blue stuff" as sounds like I may need to us it on the missus' virago as its a dull midnight blue now
Hay-fever filter mask
No worries. So am I in this heat. Felt like i ke I was dying the other day when I forgot my tablets
Yam bits???
Yep. Cost me 200 for a bottom end for my genesis. Granted I now have a fair few spares for my gear box and crank etc
A little more from a 950
Take the air box out and fit k&n filters directly above the carbs. You will need a straight through front to back exhaust system and a baffle-less exhaust. If you want even more. Look at water injection. Used in spitfire aeroplanes. Very similar to fitting nitro to your bike but doesn't burn as hot so it doesn't screw your block, Pistons or oil seals. Also so cheaper than Nos and last I checked was still pretty road legal. **please note** i accept no responsibility for your speeding or any accident caused by these mods. I use them on my own track bikes and also my road bike. But they will increase the power output and take some getting used to. Do NOT make these adjustments and expect to be able to go round corners at full throttle.
Memberships / Site Content
Sounds weird, but I am having issues with not being able to a) order membership (may have been taken down) or b ) see some parts of the forum as it just errors. Now working within IT myself, the store looks to try an auto link to a paypal account, but no payment selection options are populated (possible issue with the store settings on the sites cPanel), and the other pages that don't show correctly are either dead end pages or orphaned links. Anyone else having these issues (BTW, already send Alex a message, but he hasn't read/responded yet)
DT250..Sooo tempted
if it was around the 7-800 mark I would be quoting Arnie "DO IT, DO IT NOWWWWW!" But still 1100 is a little steep, what work needs doing, if any?
89 Radian Seat too high, lowering options
Just a thought, but have you tried lowering the rear suspension springs? sorter ride = more travel when someone is sat on the bike. Also just to point out, as long as they can get 1 foot to the floor, then they are big enough for the bike.
FZR600 GENESIS ..... it lives
Will do Cynic, thanks for the heads up I like the idea of putting some of the updated R6 running gear on it.... wonder if I could swap out the lights Stealth matt black R6 conversion... I'm very tempted Think if I order the parts, she comes with it ?
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
This made me chuckle this morning when rocking up at work. Was parked in the "truck stop" next door.
XJ600 1999 cuts out on acceleration
With the Mikuni carbs I have noticed that if the balancing pipe isnt fitted correctly then it looses pressure and doesnt balance. Either side of the fuel intake pipe, there should be 2 other ports for a short hose, check that as I had the same problem on my FZR. Not too sure on the XJ, but with mine, when the tap is set to off, then the fuel pump also turns itself off ..... although cant find an electric switch, so guessing its a gravity fed pump and switch. When priming after engine is cut, if you turn the tap off and back on, can you hear the pump clicking to prime itself ?
FZR600 GENESIS ..... it lives
My calipers are aftermarket BF Goodrich calipers and braided lines, so never noticed how similar the 400's were. Suppose im just used to the fact that doing anything simple on this turns out to be a nightmare due to when the rear subframe was rebuilt, it wasnt done straight etc If you saw it, you would actually laugh at me for the state of it, but I can hold my hands up to not being the one to have rebuilt it.
Plastics Swap
Run that past me again lol, having a simpleton moment. By nacelle your meaning top fairing front im guessing, where you will actually need to fabricate the hole and mounting for the headlamp (which is what I had to do with the current fairings, hence the chinese lamps) And yeah, im looking to replace ideally as a full set, as the rear fairing just underneat the passenger seat and sissy bar is currently that bad it is held together with tape and cable ties. Got pretty much the original OEM Delta frame, and the top mount fairing brackets (the one that bolts from the top of the delta box) and then the top fairing is essentially held in place using the mounts for the mirrors. Unfortunately plastics and making things pretty isnt my forte should be say, as most of my bikes I have either ratted or street fightered, or left as stock. So for the fairing and trimmings I am a complete novice on a slight side note, I am liking the look of the R1 race conversion kit, but I really dont like the single off set front lamp http://www.airtech-streamlining.com/yamaz/fzrr1conversion.htm Would want a twin spot light or something a little more symmetrical for that price