XT 125r rear brake not great
Haha no bleeding questions, however what I thought was an easy fix turns out not to be. It seems the rear cylinder can not be taken apart which begs the question how did the guy know which seal to give me at the shop. The seal he gave does not look like it fits on anything brake related. Im taking the whole brake system apart today giving everything a good clean out, putting it all back together and see where I am after that. Ill post the outcome here regardless.
Replacing a seal
Never mind, fixed it. Took the gear lever off, got a knitting needle with a hook on and pulled the old seal off. Good clean stuck the new one on and replaced the gear lever , sorted.
Replacing a seal
Hi, first of all im useless with the technical names for parts (amateur lol) so excuse me, but I would like some help changing a seal that leads into the gearbox from the gear changer if that makes sense. Ive bought the seal I just need to know how to get the old one out, see pic. Thanks.
XT 125r rear brake not great
Thx for all the replies i found that it's actually a seal in the master cylinder so I'm going to replace it today, £4 fix and a little of my time. Happy days.
XT 125r rear brake not great
oh really, ok then maybe it's fine the way it is. I was expecting it to be better than it is thats all as i have to press quite hard to get any stopping power. Maybe I'll start with an easy bleeding and see if that helps.
XT 125r rear brake not great
Thanks guys, I'll spend some time over the next few days trying it out and let you know the outcome.
My 2008 XT125r
Yeah true, I could have took them off but id already put them on so not to worry. Im not that bothered about the L's to be honest but I could have some decent decals there instead
XT 125r rear brake not great
Hi, so I have to press down very hard on the rear brake to get any sort of bite. Any thoughts on where to start making fixing it? Theres plenty fluid in the reservoir and the pads have enough on them. Bleeding perhaps? Thanks.
My 2008 XT125r
Well here it is my very first road legal bike, shame about the L's but im working on getting rid of those
XT125 Speedometer
Thanks for the advice guys but i think I'm going to go with a cheap universal one, over spent already on my new baby. Might go with your alternative kevtherev as a temporary measure. :-D
XT125 Speedometer
Thanks for that, they seem decent but im not sure how easy it'll be to fit. Although at £100 cheaper than the original I'll find a way.
New fella
Lets hope so
XT125 Speedometer
Hi all, so im picking my XT125 up next week but it has no speedometer as it got knicked and im wondering if anyone can recommend a decent stockist to get one from? Ive had a quick look around the internet but they seem hard to find and the one I did find was expensive. Ive also noticed that a lot of people have had problems with them so im wondering if I could simply wire a different kind on to it, like a non digital one for example. Sorry if it's a newbie question but yes Im new here. Thanks.
New fella
Hi all, picking my first bike up next week hopefully tuesday so thought I would join up and share my experiences. It's a 2008 Yamaha XT125. It's a little tatty and needs some tlc so ill probably have some questions ill need help with and thought this would be the best place to be. Cheers.