Everything posted by Leftyno1
DT 125 R High idle ?
Well Bike is sorted ticking over lovely and have taken bike on a couple of nice runs with no drama , I dle problem was a very slightly blocked idle jet , soaked over night and cleaned out then blew through with air ,going to put some miles on bike now to finish running in, thanks everyone for help.
DT 125 R High idle ?
Idle Jet is size = 15
DT 125 R High idle ?
Agree completely about assumption ( I was taught assumption is the mother of all F***ups) so yes will not discount choke, at moment putting choke on while engine running stops bike,do not use it to start either as will start without (very hot here), but yesterday when bike stopped after running perfect I noticed Choke was on and this is second time this has happened ,and I certainly did not put choke on either time , so something suspicious for sure.
DT 125 R High idle ?
well its a brand new Carburetor so didn't think to strip choke down, your right did not check idle jet sizes as did not have magnifying glass at time lol,
DT 125 R High idle ?
Well changed float height to 20mm and changed idle Jet to one from old Carb (same make carb snatching at straws really) put it all back together and Bike ran like a charm idle set at 1500rpm, took the bike for a 6 mile ride all was good, started bike up in morning and it cut out when revved ,now bike is wanting to stall ,complete opposite of high idle. Bike if revved over 5000rpm it floods and I have to remove Plug and clean as it is so wet, can the be the float height ,considering bike is not complicated LOL, it is sure messing me about, any clues anyone.
DT 125 R High idle ?
Not had a lot of time last couple of days but found time to Disconnect throttle cable and made sure it was seated into top of Carburetor where it joins also fitted foam to air filter seat where it slides in so air is pulled through New filter neither made any difference so two things eliminated.
DT 125 R High idle ?
I have checked carb for being a fake and I am sure compared to Fake carbs I have seen on Google and info that it is genuine but even fakes are getting good,so i can not be a 100% on that question as that was my first thought as well but your right am going to have to CSI the details to get to the truth as stripping carb and rebuilding is not doing it .It will be obvious when I find it LOL . The three things that come to mind at moment are that bowl sits into a recess on bottom of carb, so will ring mikuni UK as I have set height from bottom of recess 22 mm and I need to be 100% certain that carb is genuine.. And though it is a new filter I fitted no non set gasket sealant where it slides in ? will get back to you.
DT 125 R High idle ?
Yes have sprayed all over including crank seals, one time of many Carb strips I got the bike idling perfect but that lasted 2 miles, i am stumped as it is not complicated but can I find the problem , no bloody annoying.
DT 125 R High idle ?
Hello Well engine rebored etc etc and refitted with a brand new Mikuni TM 28 ss 418 flat slide carb fitted as well, Bike starts but idles at 2500 rpm idle screw is all the way out and turning mixture screw has no effect have checked with WD 40 for air leaks everywhere (none found) has new air filter fitted and have stripped carb at least 10 times . Float height is set at 22 mm as per factory setting and is running with a 240 main jet ( should not effect idle anyway) any clues to fault appreciated .
Lucas ,, nice bike you have there
Good Piston Kit for DT 125 R, what to buy ?
Cheers Cynic was leaning towards Mitaki Piston just wanted to cast the net for opinions ,Will strip power valve for sure.
Good Piston Kit for DT 125 R, what to buy ?
So going to get a re-bore on my 2002 DT 125 R, just need advice on what others have used and on what not to buy, Cheers
Dt 125 R Piston Worn a Little LOL.
yep re-bore and new piston etc definitely on the to do list.
New addition to the collection
Not sure on the colour scheme I quite like the original retro Honda paint Job my Old CB 750 F2 was in that Burgundy type colour,glad to see its got those engines crash bars, remember the local Honda dealer back in the day servicing a CBX under warranty and it fell and caused a lot of damage not good lol.
Dt 125 R Piston Worn a Little LOL.
A good link Cynic thanks, I am wondering if the wear took place on the exhaust port side of piston because the power valve was not working when I got it, it was in the closed position permanently I am thinking this could have caused the overheating of the piston in that area as the exhaust gases could not get away at higher revs like they should.
Dt 125 R Piston Worn a Little LOL.
Well this little DT has not been looked after very well by previous owner,so hardly suprising, just hoping after rebuild that she will start as that was original problem, classic case of no PPM ( planed preventive maintenance ) being carried out . Will be a good bike in the end but bought a pup as they say oh well deep sigh.
Dt 125 R Piston Worn a Little LOL.
So this is why compression is Low 90 psi, interesting how wear is on exhaust port side, Piston has welded to the rings anybody else had this happen, Obviosly going for rebore and piston kit etc.6500miles apparently that is about the time for first rebore according to Local Yam centre
new member
Hi Ronie welcome
DT125R snorkel in or out and a rant about Carb LOL.
well thought I would do a compression test and it came up at 60 psi ( think it should be about 120 psi cold ) so rings looked a little stuck in piston to me so sprayed WD in for a hour and did another compression test and it came up at 80 psi, So going to soak in a mixture of 2 stroke oil and WD overnight and see what it reads in the morning, will get back to you, so far 3 hrs of riding vs 40 hrs of maintenance great fun not . So did another compression test and it came up to 90 psi not good
My dtr 125 project
Hey chalkey if you still have a copy of wiring diagram for a 2003 DT 125 R, I really need a copy as have a electrical fault and need to sought out, your bike is looking good for sure.Thanks PS i've given up on faster at moment, would just like the bloody thing running lol.
DT125R snorkel in or out and a rant about Carb LOL.
Yes Airhead they look in good order.
Wiring diagram for dt125r 2003
Hi know its an old post but, could you send me a copy of wiring diagram please as having trouble with my 2003 Dt 125 r. Cheers
DT125R snorkel in or out and a rant about Carb LOL.
Will check Chalkey, but sound seems to be coming from cdi area
DT125R snorkel in or out and a rant about Carb LOL.
Well funny we talk about CDi units this is what I wrote last night on another post checked the coil connections they seem good, tryed to kick start it and after 20 kicks a almighty bang kind of short noise ? ,not from exhaust,somewhere at front, bloody baffled but a feeling that CDi unit may be at fault . Have been around engineering long enougth to tell the differance from a miss fire to a electrical short so its electrical for sure,to be quite honest getting fed up of constantly working on bike would just like to ride the dam thing.
Short on 2002 DT 125 R when Kickstarting ?
checked the coil connections they seem good, tryed to kick start it and after 20 kicks a almighty bang kind of short noise ,not from exhaust,somewhere at front, bloody baffled but a feeling that CDi unit may be at fault .