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Everything posted by jaimzee

  1. Hey Dave - oh mate.. what a fantastic read and may I say your perseverance, commitment & attention to detail is unbelievable..!! Fist in the air when she did start for MOT though and riding down the road - bet that felt fan-tastic..!!!! I think a lot of us would have resigned ourselves to laying that old (girl) 'friend' to rest long ago with the rest of the 'paperweights' in the sky.. But wow, what a story - think you should put a pic on here if you can and let us see her now, in all her glory - (bet she feels great) - bet you both do..!! Well done Dave.. Ian Fearnsides
  2. jaimzee replied to Zoro's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Gotcha - an thanks again Mr T.. Simple displacement really isn't it (I was always crap at maths too but I understand that..) Apologies for thread resurrection but maybe a useful reminder to other new (cruiser) owners/returnees, who've previously been spoilt, like me, by all singing dancing luxury of big tourer.. I will be taking my 'big green plastic thingy' - just fits nicely Ta..
  3. jaimzee replied to Zoro's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Great advice Task' & simples 'tch'..!! Just arrived from the tourer dept back to cruiser style - need to pay daughter a visit in Aberdeenshire (middle of no-where & inland) Will now plan 120 ml fill ups..or thereabouts. BTW - Anyone confirm how far on RESERVE..just in case ?? (s'pose a can in my pan' out the question..?????? ) Hmmmmm.. !! Maybe NOT..!!
  4. Cheers all.. actually its my wifes DT but I got the job of (secretly) putting it back on the road this summer as a surprise - shes says shes gonna start riding again after 20 years..!!!!! We'll see I guess Cheers, Jaimzee (theres a reason for this spelling btw..)
  5. Ah cheers - lookin fwd
  6. :hail:Hi yall - B I G 'SHOUT OUT' TO ALL BIKERS & FRIENDS - from sunny Nth Yorks - Pickering (UK) actually where pies & beer come from..!! ( OOps - Not forgetting my mate Paul's Eastgate chip shop for the VERY BESTEST FISH n CHIPS in PICKERING..) Until last week been an oil head for 3yrs but always fancied Yam' Dragstar for some time since my Pan days 12 yrs back.. Anyway - just swapped my R1150RT for Dragstar 1100 Custom - both '04 machines.. & so far D E L I G H T E D. . .! ! Bike in great order with only 6k mls, but need to get into her if you pardon the expression..!! (No offence to anyone.. ) Completely different to beema as I don't now need to remove panels to get into engine.. BUT.. !! .. ALL Youtube vids I have looked at so far seem to suggest removal of headers on most 'Stars' is essential to be able to change oil filter - which I don't really fancy doing.. Crazy..!! If anyone can help I would be most grateful ie theres got to be a way to do the job without taking headers off - SURELY..?? Help..!! Cheers..