Everything posted by jackpollard6
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Hello I only have one coil unlike the one in the photo you posted a while back had 2 thanks
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Sorry it made sense to me do I need to buy the 7 wire cdi or the 6 wire cdi?
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Hello I have one more question I'm buying a new cdi for my bike from Rex's speed shop the bike currently has a six wire cdi but there is 7 wires the spare wire is red from the bikes loom I also have 5 wires coming from my stator but the bike starts and runs now with the cheap 6 wire cdi thanks
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Ideal thanks for your help mate
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Hello yes mate sorry my work colleague was checking it and asked to check the ohms from the stator he said you could do it to see if anything had broken as theres a few split wires which i have fixed now
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Sorry I've got one more question what's the output from the stator before i put it back together I won't to check it's all ok I've ordered and manual but taking for ever to come thanks again
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Ok thanks mate ideal!
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Yes I believe I have it's got 4 slots and it's f3T251
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Hi mate that's exactly what I've got so I'm just going to buy a second hand original cdi and try that thanks for your help mate!
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
My phone won't let me post photos so have to copy and paste I'll try agin tomorrow in the computer
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Hello mate I looked my stator is actually 5 wires
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
My bike has a square swing arm but it was changed to this so I guess it's a mk1 also when I got my bike it was all striped back I'll get some photos later
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
I want to get the bike on the road for the summer so I will keep and eye out for a second hand one on eBay just unsure what the correct one is I think it's the 7 wire mx version
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Ok mate thanks for all you help my engine is stripped ATM but will let you know if I can get it working thanks again!!! Top bloke
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Have they loaded now? And I've got the line on my flywheel and in the casing just not on the stator god knows why thanks for your help though mate really appreciate it
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
I have a 6 wire cdi but there are 7 wires on the loom the bike had a 6 wire cdi when I bought it and it had no spark so I replaced it with a new one from eBay but was the same that I took off the first pic is my cdi and the red wire from the loom and the second pic looks like it's exactly the same as my stator
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
I've just looked at my picture and it's a 6 wire stator? So maybe I have the wrong stator or cdi but surely it wouldn't run thanks for your help mate!
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
My engines in work ATM and all the tools are there so I'll get that set there's no line for some reason there is on the casing but not on the stator I can see where it was bolted before though. one more quick question as you seem to know what your on about my bike is the 175mx so I think it should have the 7 wire cdi but I have a 6 wire cdi? The red cable is the only one that isn't plugged in
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Yes mate I'm pretty sure it does I've literally tried everything getting fuel spark is there unsure whether it's abit intermittent it's really bright then slightly smaller got compression and checked crankseals
Thanks for the reply I've been searching for ages online for the visual difference the 175 stators I have found looks like fixed timing I think as in there's no adjustment but mine has slots where the screws go?
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Hello mate thanks for the reply I don't think it's been skimmed but the exhaust has been raised apparently the previous owner told me and I've stripped the head and barrel down and it's pretty much brand new still has cross hatching on the barrel
Hello is there any difference between and dt125mx stator and the DT175MX as I think my 175mx has a 125 version? Thanks
Help me with my dt175mx 1979
Hello I need some help with my bike I brought a replacement cdi (one from eBay) a while ago and managed to get it started but the bike got really hot really quick also sound really tapping top end I also noticed the carb was leaking fuel out the over flow so I rebuilt the carb got it ultra sonic cleaned and checked reeds. since I have done this it's nearly impossible to start only starts from cold being bumped but when hot will start 1 or 2 kicks done a compression test around 145 -150 so that's fine when it was running I sprayed carb cleaning on crank seal no change. i don't think it's fuel related because I sprayed easy start straight into the cyclinder when cold kicked and kick and not even a slight sign it was going to start so I have the right stator? Someone has told me it could be wrong? Also my cdi only has 6 wires coming from it? Is this right and the last thing I know I've gone on abit! My stator was bolted on with the slot all the way to one side could this be the cause of impossible starting? And help will be appreciated
need help yamaha xs 650 1977 us import
Done what you said both plugs where wet, put the plugs back in started first kick and was running on both cylinders not sure why maybe float was stuck ohwell fixed now!! Thanks for help
yamaha dt 175 1979 cdi
Ah ok thanks again!