1981 XV750H Tacho Not Working
No, original has all wires in tact and I have no idea how to check it beyond that and all wires going to it conected and have sequence, only one earthing being the one that should. Which is why I sought more info here.
1981 XV750H Tacho Not Working
To save those who thought about it but did not post, this has been solved. Replacement Tacho head from Yankeeland was listed on FleaBay as working. My aunt Matilda it was! Checked and found two wires on it broke. Repaired them and tried it, now it works, so dumb Limey fixed what smart Alec New Yorker sold as "working" and was not.
1981 XV750H Tacho Not Working
Tacho from USA arrived, fitted and same result, no reading. Burger! Rechecked and cleaned again, all conections and checked continuity of wire where I could. Feed is from TCI (Similar to CDI) but before spending £80 on a replacement one (Sob! ) thought I would ask if there are any other ideas what to try. (Please don't tempt me to use that hammer. )
1981 XV750H Tacho Not Working
If you can't fix it with a hammer, you have an electrics problem.
1981 XV750H Tacho Not Working
Electricy side of Tacho.
1981 XV750H Tacho Not Working
I have checked every connection and continuity of every wire connected to the Tacho. I am now a Tacho-ologist, I know more about XV750H tacho wiring than anyone should know. I am also poorer whilst someone in the land of the once mighty dollar is richer as I have ordered a replacement tacho meter. HM Customs will also no doubt get richer at my expense.
1981 XV750H Tacho Not Working
Nope, electricry works it. Wish it were cable, I understand that better.
1981 XV750H Tacho Not Working
On my 1981 XV750H the tacho has suddenly stopped working. Was fine last week, now flickers a bit but most times stays on zero revs, I am checking wiring conections and looking for broken wires, any other suggestions please? Replacement Tacho heads seem pricey and I would probablly have to import from USA to UK, making HM Customs richer and me even poorer.
Double XVer
Greeetings Blackhat.
Sometimes it just sucks.....
You have the "susk", now just need the "sqeeze, bang and blow", I'll get me coart!
SE it could be H
The often much maligned Previous Owner, in this case seems to have taken good care of it. I have owned the XV since last August and just had to replace a few minor parts. Very pleased with it. Starts well, runs smooth, comfortable and (in my opinion) sounds great.
Just arrived
Greetings from another newbie to the YOC. Yep, I am also retired and familiar with those boots. Used to get mine at Pride and Clarke, Stockwell, long gone. With knackered legs and lungs I now appreciate the push button starting. Don't know if I could still manage the P&M Panther 120S I used to own and long for again. (Now out of my price bracket) But Yammie XV750H is great fun.
SE it could be H
Thanks. No self cancling indies, just push switch inwards. Please with the bike. So far failed to post a photo. Trying again here. <a href="http://s400.photobucket.com/user/carshalton75/media/XV750SE/XV750Aug2014003_zpsb042dec0.jpg.html"target="_blank"><img src="http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp82/carshalton75/XV750SE/XV750Aug2014003_zpsb042dec0.jpg" border="0" alt="Left photo XV750Aug2014003_zpsb042dec0.jpg"/></a>
Double XVer
Thanks for welcomes.
SE it could be H
Imported from the land of the once mighty dollar in 1992 it says on the V5C. Also found spares for it more prolific the far side of the pond, though Fowlers have been helpful. I will give Yamaha UK a try. Asked a similar question about a Honda and Honda UK were not interested.