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  1. Hello, i searched the internet and the re-sleeving would not be an option be cause it would be to expensive. i found a cylinder and a head on the internet that is marked 4BL but i have 3MB will the 4BL fit my bike with the head that comes with it ? ,
  2. Thanks guys, well i guess its back to work and make some money then, to buy a new cylinder and a piston, any of you guys know where can i get one and sends to Estonia. or might a re-sleeving be an option
  3. Hello, got to the bottom of my problems, took the cylinder off and found a surprise as you can see on the photo. The strange thing was that the piston had no damage on it and the engine started really good. Could i buy a new piston and re-bore the cylinder because there is a wössner piston up to +2.5 so the new bore would be 58.5mm or i would have to find a new cylinder ? The current bore is 57.25mm in diameter
  4. Hello, long time no reply, sorry for that had much to do Things i have done on the bike but still rattles and has some new anomalies like cutting out and stuttering above 8500 rpm. Checked the ignition, it was spot on New crank seals and KOYO bearings new carburetor, from china that actually works and fits directly - http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Super-Performance-OKO-KOSO-PWK-Carburetor-CARB-Motorcycle-RACING-PARTS-Scooters-dirt-bike-ATV-28mm-30mm/32372691367.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.56.wjhFwD - does the same thing with both carbs and with all jet sizes . new airfilter, new sparkplugs , new ignition coil Bike starts fine and revs really good to 11k rpm if its on neutral but if driving the rattle starts at about 7500 - 9000 rpm and along side it stutters. Im running out of ideas what to check and change. i can make a video of it on friday, if it helps. With regards. Zykezz
  5. Maybe i should change the main jet for a bigger one ? Cynic that is a strong possibility because i have the original 240 jet in it .
  6. Hey, as Blackhat and Cynic recommended i had a cylinder rebore and a new wiseco piston + a new bearing. Now the problem is that at 7500 rpms there is a rattle (metalic klicking) in the engine in any gear and it starts at the same time, all the time, strange thing is that i had this rattle with the old piston but it was not that loud. I am guessing this rattle comes from the powervalve, but i cant find the cause. I opend the valvesystem and the the piston is not touching the valve as was my first guess + i did grind it to fit the new piston before i assembled the engine. So does anybody have an idea what could it be. Oh and forgot that the rattle starts when there is need for torque like uphills and riding in dirt with high gear.
  7. Hey, yeah it was slapping, took the cylinder open and the piston was moving to sides, the rings gap was more than 0.25. i think i dont need a rebore because the cylinder diameter was 57,25mm , i cheked from 5 spot and there are no scrapes or anything, its smooth as glass.
  8. I bought the bike it had a +1.25 in it, its a prox piston and it has 1.25 stamped on it, the diameter of the cylinder is 57.25mm and the standard is 56mm so it is + 1.25. Now i did some more searching on the web and found a piston at a good price http://www.ebay.fr/itm/Meteor-Kolben-YAMAHA-TDR-TZR-DT-125-Typ-3MB00-57-25mm-Piston-kit-/131554566952?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item1ea1436328 any ideas about it ?
  9. Hello, i have a question about the piston on the dt 125r, its a 1999 model and engine is marked 3MB00 it has a +1.25 piston in it and its worn out. I did search the web and could not find pistons of +1.25 anywhere except the expensive wössner and other, but i found a lot of pistons marked 3RME for dt 125r 1999 at a decent price, so what is the difference ?
  10. zykezz posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hello my name is Sakari from estonia, i have had many bikes in my life but stuck to enduro and motocross . Got to this forum by buying a 1999 Yamaha DT 125R for rides in the town. Got to say i love my DT the most of my bikes because its light and simple but can have a lot of fun with. Needs a bit work but thats okay got it for 650 euros so its all good, starts good, rides good, has good power for its cc, but has a damn restrictor set to 90 kmh which needs investigating.
  11. At first i would like to say hello to all Yamaha riders Im Sakari from Estonia. But now to the point, i bought a DT125R (1999) 3MB00 to ride in the town, well my KTM 250 is not for that . The bike is in good condition done 20 000km, starts every time even in cold, best thing is i got it cheap, for 650 euros. To test it i took it on the highway powerd up and damn a restrictor kicked in at 90 kmh. So did my Googleing and got here and read the topic by Airhead (nice work ), that took me to a conclusion its the reed switch that restricts. I did everything like it was sayd in the topic (for the reed switch), took my bike for a ride and the hell, the restrictor was at 50 kmh, did cut it off to test and it was still at 50 kmh. Did but the switch back and the restrictor was at 90 kmh again so im confused now, does the restrictor close circle at a certain speed or open at certain speed and what happens if i connect the two reed switch wires to close the circle, does this take the restrictor off ?