@ndy changed their profile photo
XJ600 rear twitching and skipping and making me twitch!!
Thanks, you may be right about the rebuild route being best, have considered this. My problem is I need it on the road, MOT due the end of the week too! a rebuild is going to be weeks to turn around. I need a fix that can be tap my card number into the computer and a box arrives in a day or two really. Been looking at later model XJs too. they are likely to be more "similar" than the RD. similar in weight at least. Unfortunately no one listing them on ebay is giving details such as length eye to eye. Anyone know if a diversion shock will fit a late model pre diversion by any chance?
XJ600 rear twitching and skipping and making me twitch!!
The old 91 XJ (pre diviersion) has been off the road for a few months, re commissioned it about a fortnight ago.. Lots of the regular brakes and clutch as well as cables to free up. I also found a cracked link in a very low mileage chain (really pleased I found it before riding!!) but that's another story. I was dismayed to find on a couple of occasions, pulling off from junctions and at traffic lights that I was losing the back end on really quite slow corners. at first I put this down to me having a break from riding and losing my touch... It happened on wet roads and I was thinking, maybe a patch of diesel, maybe some other slippery surface, but today it occurred on a slightly faster bend in the industrial estate, on a dry road with reasonably good surface. The back end seemed to just do it's own thing and I felt it was quite hard work to keep it on my side of the road and out of the path of oncoming traffic! not what you want. I did have shopping in the top-box and panniers, having just been to Aldi, but I have done "full week" shops before with a big bag strapped on the pillion without encountering any near death experiences.... So I have investigated the bike further. looked for play on wheel bearings, swing arm bearings and head bearings; checked tire pressures and condition (near new they are). Checked tyres correctly up on rims... Dropped the bike off the main stand (don't use the main stand much) and noticed it "bounced" I bounced it a bit more and it kept on bouncing! I therefore conclude that the shock is shot!! and assume that is the cause of my problems. This is the first mono shock bike that I have ever owned and I must say I'm not a fan... having said that, it is possible that the shock has been on its way out ever since I had the bike! (2 years) Quite happy with stripping the suspension and replacing it, but the cost!! a new one is serious open wallet surgery, and I'm not to sure about used ones from ebay, they are going to be the same age and more than likely the same sorry condition. I did notice some after market ones were also listed as fitting RD 350 LC. anyone know if these are the same, or any others that would fit. are the diversion ones the same (they look it) as this would offer more choice and they seem to be more plentiful. I may also be able to get a much "younger" used one. Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can offer guys.
return to two wheels
Thanks for that. I had in mind to investigate the sender..... When I fill up the gauge shows full..... then once it is 3/4 full the gauge shows empty.... Panicked me at first!! my new bike only does 18 to the gallon!!!!! until I opened the filler and found it practically full. @ndy
return to two wheels
Bought myself a 92 pre diversion XJ600 2 weeks ago after 11 years without a bike.... haven't stopped smiling yet! My first ever bike was a 1977 yamaha SR 500 which I got in about 1988. over the years I have also had: a Cx 500, two XS750s, (not at the same time, one after the other) rd 250, suzuki gsx250. honda cb750 hardtail chop, guzzi v1000 (ex-police). the guzzi was the one I kept the longest and the one i had last... some overlapped and there were a number of little bikes not worth mentioning that where runabouts. I have a liking for shaft drive (as you see). I would maybe have gone for the XJ900... I always wanted one, one of my dream bikes... but my reason for getting a bike again is because it makes sense for computing and generally shooting about... I don't see myself doing any big journeys, touring etc. so the 900 would be overkill really... also thought it may be a bit big and heavy after such a break.... The 600 is really lively and nimble... the last bike I had was the old guzzi... this feels like riding a rocket after that.... Bought this new machine (new! 23 years old if it's a day!) off ebay for £600 with 12 months MOT.. thought I did well... it's tidy, runs well, few little niggles... fuel gauge not working correctly, carbs could do with balancing, ready for a bit of a service.... front brakes squeak a bit at slow speeds, clutch snatches a bit... but it is riding OK and I have already done quiet a few miles. I was quite surprised, it being such a popular bike, that there isn't an abundance of second hand luggage available... I picked up a pair of second hand BMW panniers last week locally... I figured I would be able to adapt the frames.. I figured wrong though, the Nexus exhaust is in the way for the right hand box!! so they will have to go on ebay. After quite a search I did get hold of a Krauser S-wing K2 rack... with a view to fitting a topbox (when needed). I hadn't bargained for the K2 to be old hat!! in any case the krauser stuff is pretty expensive... May end up adapting the wing to fit another box... If any members have any advice or recommendations for luggage I'd be very greatful.... also any advice regarding the snatching clutch, squeaking front brakes or misbehaving fuel gauge (never had a bike with a fuel gauge before) would be greatfully recieved.. @ndy