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Everything posted by marccleave

  1. marccleave replied to marccleave's post in a topic in Projects
    Thanks blackhat! Oh joys... Read up on it, both here and given it a quick google. Swingarm/frame bolt is rather stuck, and so is the pin on the monoshock to swingarm. Yay! So I have my arsenal of various sized lump hammers and brass drifts and penetrating oil. A lot of penetrating oil. Any special technique to this? Might try and press it out rather than going apesh*t at it, thoughts? Don't mind using a bit of map gason the swing arm frame bolt as I've found some genuine Yamaha bushes, as well as for the swing arm so that's nice. I've read that some people have trouble with this and some people don't.
  2. marccleave replied to marccleave's post in a topic in Projects
    Just a couple more pictures, because pictures are nice. Oops. Even though its spent a few thousand miles on the road its spent a lot of time in the workshop as well, gotta keep it serviced correctly and in shape. Oh and when your mate makes you a cup of tea in a fabulous mug. Oh.. and one day I didn't have very good lights.. took me a while to notice if I'm honest as the bike starts without a battery having separate lighting&ignition coils. Regulator decided to emit the magic blue smoke.
  3. marccleave replied to marccleave's post in a topic in Projects
    Wow its been a while, I apologise - where has the time gone? After getting the correct bearings, and putting them in the right place, I got the cases back together and have much fun riding it since, change of tyres, many tanks of two stroke oil and even more tanks of fuel! In that time I've put lot of miles/kms on the bike, gone through a set of tyres and now I need another rear! In those miles we've gotten muddy together, met up with another DT, hooned about with friends, commuted to work and even did a 400 mile trip on it, 200 there and 200 back. That was great fun until the the engine decided it didn't want the cheapo wound aluminum exhaust gasket anymore and sucked it into the expansion pipe??? I don't like those, that was the first and last I'll use of those. Nice copper compressible ones now. Here are a couple of many pictures over the last ~10 months. Some nice off roading with friends, a DRZ400 and XR125. What happens when your supermoto friendhas a bike that's only 10 years old has worse than your (almost!) 35 year old bike! I could sit on my DT seat for hours, in fact I do! Also the seat material developed a tear and got worse as you sit on it and bend and stretch the material, it was in perfect condition when I got it, but after being sat around for 30 odd years the material perishes. Oh well new seat cover as well. Anyway, picture below, hes a VERY typical supermoto rider, jeans and trainers riding a DRZ400... fool! After a days off roading... I ended up stranded at a pub where I used to work (WHAT A SHAME!), it just wouldn't go... ended up doing this and cleaning & replacing the air filter. Very nice owners, letting me spanner on the Carburettor over a pint of coke, gotta be able to ride afterwards so no cider. Explored some places: Meeting another DT125 - guess what, mines (was) faster than his. (Apologies for the snapchat screenshot, I can't find an actual picture of it right now) What do you take with you always as a two stroke owner? Helmet cams are always fun! I have an SJ4000, bought it last year and its very nice, there are upgrades to this and different firmware. You get what you pay for but the image quality isn't as harp as say a more expensive camera, but it certainly does the job for having a laugh. Don't take many pictures at night as I don't carry around a good camera while riding, too busy enjoying the 2T. Having white panels and black frame etc is slightly annoying to keep clean, but this meant I end up going over the bike getting any road grit and rubbish off, check oil, brakes etc. So when I go out to work or play, I come back, fill up with fuel and then its only a short distance to home. So I've nearly always got a full tank of fuel should I need to go somewhere tomorrow. Can anyone see where I'm going with this? And so every time I fill up with fuel, I check the oil tank and keep it topped up, I always think its lower than it is, as I buy some oil, go to fill it up expecting to dump the entire container in there and always end up with some left over. Now see where I'm going? Lets set the scene, the day before must have been one of those days, completely oblivious, thumb up bum enjoying the sound and smell of the DT. Filled up with fuel, went one. Got up, start DT, ride to work. I didn't make it to work, I don't need to say how as all of you will have already guessed by now. Exhaust port side: Carburettor port side: *sigh* Oh well, my fault, that's what you get for not paying attention or being in a rush! So then I took the DT into the workshop and somehow ended up with this: Sh*t. So basically after looking at the piston, stepping back and listing what needs doing I decided to just do it all at once I guess. Full restoration isn't a stranger to me, I've almost finished my 1988 3.5L V8 Range Rover Classic, and the DT is much smaller and easier to spanner on, quite relaxing in comparison to a 2 tonne Land-Rover! I need to sort lots of little niggles out really, grommets for side panels, areas of bubbles on the frame, rust underneath. Going to combat this now rather than later, I know what rust does to metal if left as I still have nightmares over the welding on my Range Rover. Front forks are weeping, I'd like to convert to 12V to run LEDs (thoughts? I'm certainly no rivet counter but I'd like slightly.. mildly... better lights) and considering electronics is my hobby and I'm studying Electronic Engineering we shouldn't have a problem there, the wiring loom is looking um a bit dirty and connectors slightly corroded so that'll be dealt with as well. The previous owner repainted the plastics, when I got it, they were very nice but after a winter and summer the areas that weren't flattened back peeled on the primer and the side panels, rear mudguard and front mudguard But basically the list goes on and I wasn't happy riding it like that. Slight change of subject, one of my friends left the Army due to no fault of his own (knees) and got an SR125 to play about with, we rode a few times, got fish and chips and suddenly one day on the way to/from work he comes off on the dual carriage way in really horrible rainy sleet in rush hour. His plan was to to his full bike test after riding the SR125 about for a while, get used to bikes etc. He enjoyed it until that incident and I think his SR125 has been sat there in the garage waiting. He offered it to me a while ago and if he still has it I might take him up on it... Thoughts? Its got a little dirt on it and some of the chrome is a pit pitted... other than that its very nice! Stop me! (Or not!)
  4. marccleave replied to marccleave's post in a topic in Projects
    If an engine/frame number were to begin 2A8 ... then what would the year(s) of said bike be?
  5. marccleave replied to marccleave's post in a topic in Projects
    Yes you are correct! My mistake!!! Just checked the engine casing. Guess which bearing is still sat in the engine case and guess which bearing I removed (and for some reason) assumed I removed the right hand main bearing. D'oh!!! Don't I look like a right plank now. :crazy: We learn from our mistakes though, don't we?!
  6. marccleave replied to marccleave's post in a topic in Projects
    The retaining plate goes over the snap ring. With the snap ring in the bearing it keeps the bearing in the engine case.
  7. marccleave replied to marccleave's post in a topic in Projects
    The new right hand main bearing I was supplied (supplied 6304 not 6304NX2) does not have a groove. I rang up the supplier about said missing groove and after some research they said that all bearings they could/would supply would not have this groove and that I would have to find it elsewhere. Oh well!
  8. marccleave replied to marccleave's post in a topic in Projects
    That'll work for the two heads that are still intact. One of them is almost non existent! Eeek! Who knows! - I'm not Yamaha! Ta da, picture:
  9. marccleave replied to marccleave's post in a topic in Projects
    I've already got my local bearing supplier on this and they're looking into it for me, thought I'd ask anyway. Just looked them up, found a few parts I require that I haven't found anywhere else! Cheers! Right then, after dissassembly... the left hand main bearing does not want to part from the crankshaft. Took it to my friendly engineering shop and got them to remove it. Water keeps getting into my gearbox and I think I've finally found out how! Note, gearbox oil should not be this colour!!! O_o Found how its getting in me thinks... Its going to be a pain to remove, look at those corroded heads! And check this out... crankshaft oil seal not sitting correctly. Oh dear...
  10. marccleave posted a post in a topic in Projects
    As well as being my daily transport this is also a running project! It has its ups and downs... When its behaving itself it looks something like this: But following a spectacular main bearing failure I'm now in the process of rebuilding the 2A8 engine... Took a few minutes to remove the engine from the bike and get it on the bench. Does anyone know where I can source the correct right hand main bearing with the groove in it for the retaining clip??? 6304NX2 I seem to recall...
  11. Thanks obriens65 & meatloaf I had considered it, not ridden the 175 - whats it like compared to the 125? More torque at low end? My 125 is quite nice as it is, can it only get better? Heh... they do the job! Well, they do now once I cleaned the lenses up a bit.
  12. Hello all from the deepest depths of Dorset. Got my self a new toy a while ago, this is my Yamaha DT125MX: Not bad for 34 years old. Its a good laugh showing it to people, its comfortable to ride, doesn't drink petrol like my other vehicle and certianly isn't the slowest 125 around. What more could you want?