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Carolina Spur

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Everything posted by Carolina Spur

  1. I did have it out with the other engine (timed to the exhaust stroke) the timing on this engine is spot on to the service manual. The carb is putting in fuel when you pump the throttle. Its not pulling fuel up out of the bowl on its own.
  2. No not at all, They seem to be dry and the electrode is turning a bit brown after a poofs through the carb. When I took it off though I can turn the throttle and see a squirt of petrol come out of the bottom that goes into manifold.
  3. Positively awesome, PM your address and I will post you the old one. Thanks
  4. Sounds like good advice and seems to be one of a couple of old issues that is haunting the bike from sitting for a few years and being mistreated before she blew. Thanks man
  5. My feelings exactly but hate not finding a cause. Just took the old one off she is definitely pumping petrol in. Checking the ignition system now. She has a spark but that's all I know at the moment. Charging the battery and reading the service manual and a cuppa.
  6. Yeah buddy, I think it displaces around 60mm? just a tad bigger than a shot glass hahaha
  7. the timing mark is in fact the straight line for the rear cylinder. Just to clear things up for anyone looking at timing their XVS 125 properly.
  8. I have just a put a brand new engine in my XVS 125 and even though I took the bottom off of the carb and unscrewed the main jet and housing and idle jet and housing blew carburetor cleaner through and made sure the little holes were clean I'm not getting any fuel through the carb whatsoever. The accelerator pump is putting a squirt in when you turn the throttle and the bowl is filling up but nothing. you have to twist the throttle 10 or 12 times jus to get it to pop a few times. I have another carburetor which is freshly rebuilt should I put it on or try something else with the old one?
  9. New motor installed all hooked up and .......... a singing starter........ well, I pull the starter off and replace it with the old starter. and the same thing. like it's running backwards. So I stick my finger in the hole and turn the gear. it locks one direction and free spins in the other. Check the old engine and it is locking in the opposite direction. What are the chances of getting a backwards sprague as it will only go in one way? Is the Virago similar but with a reverse mounted starter?
  10. Well there it is... The piston rings were knackered either broken by the valve smacking the top or just sat too long. I will rebuild this engine but decided to put the other one in for now. Old engine out... New engine in
  11. Hrey thanks, Yeah I usually try that first just to make sure I don't screw up and end the show before really starts
  12. Juyst got finished putting a new head on used the timing mark "I" and it appears I have very low compression on the rear cylinder. I dont have the compression gauge I borrowed before but placing my thumb over the spark plug hole of the front and the rear whilst spinning there is a huge difference. and nothing out of the tail pipe of that cylinder. The front plug is carboned up and the rear is clean. when trying to start it it spits and pops but only if you really twist the throttle a few times. nearly starts but the starter has to stay engaged which I think is the front cylinder being as it seems to be firing due to the blackened plug. I'm probably missing something but in my opinion even a low compression cylinder should allow the good one to fire up or no?
  13. Name: Yamaha XVS 125 (2001) Date Added: 31 January 2015 - 10:01 AM Owner: Carolina Spur Short Description: Slightly modified XVS 125 with risers and custom handlebars and a set of Highway Hawks View Vehicle
  14. Here's the rebuilt engine and how the rear cylinder is timed. I turned the crank to the "T" and made sure the front cylinder was showing it was lined up then turned the crank counter clockwise 300 degrees (as best I can tell) and put it on the plain mark and it shows the rear cylinder is timed to it.
  15. Cam chain looks fine think I wasn't getting it on the bottom as I let it slip and used a telescoping magnet to retrieve it
  16. Just checked the valves, still holding pressure and no other issues in the head as I can see at the moment. I have another xvs 125 that is a rebuild by the previous owner who was a mechanic. Damn if its not timed to the plain line? Engine has never been run and is sitting in the frame so am I looking at a mistake or is that TDC for the rear cylinder?
  17. Thanks guys, yeah I'm from the Asheville area in the blue ridge mountains. Thanks for the greets seems like loads of good info here with a few nuts mixed in
  18. The tensioner seems to work properly and keeps the chain snug as best I can tell before it actually runs. This chain not being on the crankshaft just happened last night and I turned it over by hand just in case (previous experience of timing engines) to make sure there was clearance. Another thing that bugs me, there are 3 marks on the crank. A "T" a capital"I" and a line. Granted I don't have a disc to measure 300 degrees counter clockwise but the book says the I is the mark for the rear cylinder but the pictures only show the line? My best assumption is the plain line with no letter is the mark used for a timing light.
  19. I think I found it.
  20. Hello guys, I have a XVS 125 thaty I'm trying to get cranked up after sitting 3 years with a bent valve. I replaced the valves and lapped the new ones in and put the head on. I have an original Service manual the previous owner gave me which as per usual seems a bit misleading to the unlearned. I am a certified car mechanic but metric bikes are new to me so I'm rookie in a way. My problem is that the "T" and "I" timing marks are not exactly TDC but the 3rd "timing mark" that is a line just so happens to be TDC for the rear cylinder. Although I will admit I got this totally wrong and timed the beast to the stroke of TDC. Now that I have found my error and after many spins of almost cranking as long as you hold the starter button down... I am trying to get the cam chain to stay on after installing the gear and tensioner... It's doing my head in.. Is there a way to make sure the chain is in the bottom teeth before turning it over? It keeps trying to roll of like a bicycle chain out of alignment. And to clarify I have taken the carburetor apart and cleaned it, checked the joint for cracks, I made sure the accelerator pump was spraying and the fuel was filling the bowl and what not. While I was spinning her over I checked the spark plugs to see what colour the spark was and it was red. So I figured the voltage regulator was breaking down and/or the coils so I replaced them just to be sure.
  21. Yeah, all of my mates here want me to take them over for a "rent a Harley" tour to either my home state of North Carolina on the Revenge run or down to Daytona then across to L.A. Yeah I'm a huge fan of the 650 V star and the 1100. But I'm amazed at these little 125's at how cool they sound and durable they seem. I am having some issues with the timing chain on the rear cylinder. What thread do I ask Technical questions at?
  22. Hello there I'm a American living in Wales and I have recently aquired 2 XVS 125's I love these little bikes but to be honest I rode Harley Davidsons in the states and I never knew these bikes existed! I have been living in the UK for 6 years and have my full car license but have yet to do my CBT. Just having some problems getting one of the bikes going and wanted to wait until it was all sorted before taking that step.