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Carolina Spur

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Everything posted by Carolina Spur

  1. Hahaha id be so hungry that poor bike would be at the closest donut shop..
  2. have to say she's running much much better. 55 - 60 mph quite consistantly not so bad on hills. seems to be doing this 'crackiling to life' when accelerating like she has more in her. might see if there is still some sort of air leaking. But other than that she is purrring right along.
  3. Yeah a young man's error. Too simple to overlook. Anywho..
  4. well here we have it. The air filter is stopped up hahahahahah
  5. Yeah its better nowthe silencer has been tightened but wont go over 45mph
  6. Ride into work this morning was fun. She only slowed down slightly on one big hill. Was able to maintain 55 consistently. Feels like she is loosening the reins a bit
  7. I found that the silencer had popped off the carb. I sorted that now I dont have to keep te choke on at speed. shes a wee bit faster and a touch more responsive but not much more..
  8. I way 95kg.. probably too big for the darn thing now th Ive gone through all the fuss
  9. It in fact was silicone sucked into the main jet.
  10. Yeah man, just got back home and lo and behold the very first thing I thought ended up being the problem. The 'new' carburetor was in fact a shiny turd. Epoxy holding the float tree together. A silicone gasket goo had been sucked into the bowl and right into the main jet. I had the old carburetor in my follow car and slapped that mutha on. Idles and revs perfect. But here's another thing. This new engine won't get much past 40 mph! I know it needs running in but geez this thing is an oversized moped.
  11. I'm out of town as well so kind of stuck
  12. Carolina Spur posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    My baby drag cranks up but when I twist the throttle it stalls out. I had it running fine and then all of a sudden she died at 50 mph and hasn't been the same since. Carburetor?
  13. Finally was able to get my bike out of the shop. (they charged me a bloody fortune. Got 5 miles down the road and she started dying. I got it cranked back up but she only runs with the choke on? It quit again and I realised it was out of petrol!! hahaha got fueled up and she died three more times before getting home and had to choke it again to stay running. I see guys posting that same issue on here. Could it be a bad fuel pump? didnt put it on prime to see if that was it yet will do later today. https://youtu.be/oQioD0gh60g
  14. I asked them to post a video of it running on there Facebook as I haven't picked it up yet and they said they would! haha Im so chuffed right now.
  15. Hahaha yeah buddy!
  16. After weeks of tearing down and checking timing finding little thing improperly put back together etc. My XVS 125 is purring like a kitten. The new lump was put together by a novice and in no way was the professional he was said to be. That being said, it was all new parts and. "doable" I had the timing right but in fact the cams were reversed. I didn't catch that the wrong valve was opening only that they were shutting and the engine had compression. My shop had it going in a couple of hours and gave it an MOT service , chain adjustment etc. And I'm ready to ride! So for anyone who is following my post showing the timing marks lining up, they are in fact spot on but before tearing your bike engine down mark the heads one and two as there are no visible indicators that show a difference and you cant see the shaft because the rockers are hiding it. Thanks for the info guys hope this helps someone in the future
  17. Oh I have done it before. But not after all this commotion.
  18. always checking the simples. That would gut me if I had done that hehe
  19. Shes firing and plenty of compression. but she didnt even burp this time.
  20. I tried that after my pushing fiasco
  21. I have tried everything to no avail. Spoke to my mechanic on the phone told him everything I have done so far and he even researched the timing and called me back and said I have everything right except in his opinion a weak battery with possible fouling of the new plugs. I now have petrol in the oil so I know its has flooded through all of the constant trying to start. I am knackered from trying to bump start it today. My guy says by putting it on the rollers it will definitely start with some tweaks that I just cant do pushing it or trying to jump start it in the cold.
  22. Okay... Here's where I'm at. Everything looks timed and spot on. New carburetor is putting fuel in. She still will not crank. Here's what I think. But cant confirm until tomorrow. What if the guy who I got this bike from put the heads on front to back? Could you reverse the HT leads in theory?
  23. Here's where I'm at. The reason (I now know) why there are no butterfly flap screws in the new carb is because there were none. Probably knackered just like the ones I just took out. Anyone happen to have a pair lying around the shop I could get?
  24. I really appreciate the ideas, I have a spare rubber inlet and they both are still pliable and not brittle. No visible cracks or holes. Someone has put paper gaskets inbetween the O ring and the head which I have kept in place. must have been having a problem with them sealing I imagine. Another thing is the fact its freezing cold in my garage. (no room for error in the leaking gap department.)