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Everything posted by Gdgarth

  1. Ok, I'll give it a try, thanks
  2. I can try to add a bit of oil, but it isn't low at all. I didn't have this problem a couple of days ago - the only thing that changed was the ambient temp. I warmed the engine up before taking off, and didn't see the problem until I was 12 miles from home - I'm pretty sure the engine was warm by then.
  3. I've got an 07 v star 650. This morning, around 40 degrees out, I rode it on the freeway, and the check engine light came on. I pulled off to the shoulder, and the light went out after about 30 seconds. I shut down and checked the oil level - it was fine. Started back up,and took off again. The light came on again when I hit high speed, went out when I slowed down. The bike ran great, sounded normal the whole time. Any idea what this could be!
  4. "Nice story..bit sad having to swop your wheels for a girl. I would rather find a girl with a job. " It was a great trade - no matter what the cost. We've been married for 38 years, so far - I only got $400 for the bike. She's worth at least 10,000 times as much. " the Suzuki musta bee the Hustler250, they felt quick then , if you got on it now you would be disappointed," I'm positive of that - especially since I weighed 75 lbs less back then. I loved the bike - I'm probably remembering it with more fondness than accuracy. Thanks for the comments
  5. Many years ago, I met a girl. Since I needed money to take her out, I sold my beloved 1964 Suzuki 250 street bike (2 stroke, I had to mix oil and gas in the tank). Fast forward 41 years - now I'm married to the same girl, but I still miss my old bike. I took the MSF course, and bought a used V-Star 650. Not counting a five minute test drive, I hadn't been on the street on a bike in 41 years - I remedied that yesterday. I went about 25 miles round trip, combination of city, highway, and just a touch of freeway driving. Minor hiccup when I almost couldn't get the gas cap off at the station, but I finally did it. The ride was intimidating for the first five minutes or so, then I felt like I'd been riding for years - everything just felt natural. The differences between now and 1973? Here are a couple: The bike - my old Suzuki, while smaller, was quick - top end was just under 90, but it got there fast. The red line ( for those who worry about things Ike that) was way up there. It was kind of an old POS, but it was a lot of fun to ride. Back then, a 650 was a big bike - My v star, at 649cc's, is small. Performance is fine, but after hitting the highway for just a few miles, I understand why you'd want a bigger bike for long trips. The new bike is smooth and steady, handles nicely, and - so far at least - parts don't fal off in the middle of your ride. All in all, the new bike fits my now old and creaky body perfectly. Me - when I was young, I'd see a car about to pull out in front of me. I'd think, "it'll be their fault", so I'd just keep going - even accelerating - without a worry. If they pulled in front of me, I'd swerve and cuss. Now, my head is on a swivel - I'm constantly on the lookout for potential trouble. If there's a question, I slow down, move over, or do whatever I need to do to avoid trouble. I now realize that if I'm in an accident, it won't matter whose fault it is - I'll lose. Sorry for the long, rambling post. I look forward to meeting like-minded people on line.