Everything posted by GreekMaster
Welcome buddy. nice for you to join us
need some new gloves
I bought some amazing winter gloves. I tell you I tried everything from heated to heated grips to thermal internal gloves but this ones I bought are amazing. ill post the nane when I get home. They are really good
Carole Nash MCN London Motorcycle Show 2015
very nice will go and check after work. will see you there
absolute theiving gits! (NSFW, Colourful language)
I know the feeling. im one of many who jad an r1 stolen from me. hate the guts of them. bike never recovered probably somewhere in europe by now. feel for you mate
rs200 fuel
missing the point here. what ur trying to do excactly? what additive your asking
Carole Nash MCN London Motorcycle Show 2015
yeap also in april mcn.. well read below will try to get there as well if anyone wanna join me. will ride with mates .... and you're invited! MCN’s 60th Birthday bash at Butlins, Skegness, April 17th - 20th will add extra excitement to an already great event. Join four-times WSB champion and jungle king Carl Fogarty on the annual ride-out to Cadwell Park where you'll get to ride a couple of laps of the race track*. There will be a whole host of bands including Slade, Hells Bells, Bon Giovi and the Toxic Twins to rock you through the weekend.. Weekend tickets start from just £115**
Carole Nash MCN London Motorcycle Show 2015
o yes will definitely go. shame they only do dicoumt for 10 plus ppl
The XT goes to a Spanish Castle!
nice post. lucky guy. hopefully will do a ride my self abroad this summer
Carole Nash MCN London Motorcycle Show 2015
its ok water under the bridge. you little spammer lol im glad you posted though as I wanted to go and forgot about it until I read the post. Good luck with your job though. send some pics though. spammer ok ill stop it
Carole Nash MCN London Motorcycle Show 2015
we are all fellow bikers here so for the sake of it I wont continue any argument. 1 I dont like spam either but I didnt know that this person is not a member and I found it upsetting the way you said what you said. there was a better way to put it just like there was a better way for me to put it across. 2 as said I dont like spam and I did not know it was amd I am not dumping anything on anyone. 3 its a forum not MI5 secret website, im sure if its a spam we can report it and a mod will remove it 4 I will post pics for you lovely ppl. im going to the NEC on sunday so ill see if I can post some pics. getting the missus with me so dont expect model porn lol well I might get a snicky one last, lets just not score points with the whole freedom of speech, its old stuff. Anyways nice to meet you guys. im from around Hastings if anyone wants to meet for a ride etc. hopefully you can keep up with me
Carole Nash MCN London Motorcycle Show 2015
I've been rude? for real? have you asked the 1st guy how he might feel. He posted a post telling everyone about something and the other guy slice replied , why should I care, and your calling me rude? are you his brother or cousin or something.
Where are we all from?
Greece but live in Hastings UK
Where are we all from?
Carole Nash MCN London Motorcycle Show 2015
you might not but others do. why ur so bloody rude buddy. I will book tickets for me and some friends so I am glad that he posted a comment. if you dont have anything productive or nice to say than dont comment again
Yamaha R1 2015
nice one. will be great. going with few mates and the missus. Anyone from around london or Hastings here? Any bike rides going on anywhere
Yamaha R1 2015
Hi fellow yama owners. New to this site. im from around Hastings area. Been ridimg R1s all my life. wanna say hello to all. going to the NEC on the 30th to check the new r1as I was very disappointed with yama since 2009 so fingers crossed this could be my next bike. Any one else thinking of buying it?