Everything posted by lorrymark
10v DT125LC
mmmmmm when i tried kicking it over without either of the pipes attached fuel squirted out of the 2 outlets ;-< The the inlet is on the top, there is a plastic outlet that is the overflow then these 2 outlets are alot smaller than normal fuel pipe.
Need help in identiying this bike......
Hi chap I spoke to Yamaha, i forget which department but gave them my chassis number of an old off road dt i got hold of and they gave me model number year and registration plate very helpfull ;-> Mark
tire dressing?
Have you thought about some black shoe polish on an old rag ???
10v DT125LC
Does anybody know or have a drawing of what order the fuel lines fit onto the carb ??? I seem to have to outlets left on it 1 on the left and 1 on the right, it's a year since i dismantled it and its the only part i didn't get a photograph of ;-< look forward to hearing from somebody Mark
DT125 piston rings
Hi Guys I've eventually managed to get the barrell off my mk1 dt 125 engine !!!!!!!!! chuffin tight nuts The engine did not have very good compression, That was no suprise as when i removed the barrell the top ring is missing !!! Would this also be the reason that when i did get the engine running water came out of the exhaust port (no exhaust fitted at the time) It took some force to move the crank round. Now it moves round very easliy there seems to be a very light covering of white goo ( water/oil mix) around the crank. Will this be a problem ?? or should i just replace the rings and re fit the barrell. ( By the way there are no scores on the inside of the barrell or on the piston Heres hoping for a positive response so i can refit this engine and sell my mk111 engine Cheers Mark
MK1 DT125 electrical
Hi Guys I'm hoping somebody can help me with my query pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease I have replaced the engine in my mk1 dt125lc, i have put in a mk111 engine. My problem is that the wires from the Flywheel Generator don't match !!!!!!!!!!!!! On the MK111 engine i have 3 wires coming off the flywheel for the cdi unit 1 black 1 brown and 1 red/black Now they don't match the wires on mk1 cdi unit ??? This only has black and a red/black I have tried a variation of the 3 wires but with no solution, ie the bugger still wont spark !!! Does anybody know if i have to fit a cdi unit off a mk111 or is there another way i could wire this up I have studied the wiring diagrams for both bikes and i used to have hair...................it has now all fallen out with the stress of it all lol cheers for now Mark
Compression Test
Hi Guys, last one for the moment i hope. I've just had a 125 lc mk111 enginen compression tested and the result was 60psi Is this any good ?? If so i can just lob it straight into the frame, as u can probably tell from my other workshop threads i'm not that mechanically minded lol Thanking u in advance Mark
Cheers gents, thank you for your help
Hi guys thanks for your response on my wanting to engine swap . I'm in need of advice again please.- I have just jump started my mk1 dt125lc without an exhaust on just to see if it starts !!!!!!!!!!! It did, but alot of water was spu ing out of the exhuast outlet port !!! does anybody know y this is, the engine seems to have very low compression as i can push the kick start with my hand very easily. Hope to hear from somebody sooooooooon Cheers Mark
DT engine swap
Hi Guys, new to the board today!!!!! I have a 1982 DT125 LC, with an engine, but no exhaust I have been given a head for a mk3 dt125lc that includes exhaust. My main question is...................................... Will the mk3 head fit straight onto the bottom end of the mk1 engine ?????? I have tried to fit the mk3 exhaust onto my mk1 head but it doesn't feel like it should fit !!!!!! I hope somebody has an idea on this, i'm not mega mechanically minded but hey i like to give things a go Thanking u in advance Mark