Everything posted by Yakman12
DT175 Piston Types - Wossner
Thanks Nayruf! I have the opposite of your issue, my bike originally ran a piston simialr to the one on the right of your picture (with the big windows), and now I have a piston similar shape to the on the left (my new Wossner) with small windows. Any ideas if running smaller windows will cause issues? Cheers!
DT175 Piston Types - Wossner
Cheers Blackhat! Think I'll get away without changing the port window size? I'm not that handy with a dremmel. Thanks!
DT175 Piston Types - Wossner
Hello chaps Question regarding different piston types. My bike is a 1980 DT175 (G) I got my hands on two different Wossner forged pistons: 1. The first for a DT175 82-10; 2. The second for a 175MX Thru '77, '79-81 (also listed at CT-2). The first piston is clearly wrong for my bike as it seems to be a few mm longer and will likely hit the head. The 2nd, supposedly correct piston (based on what the supplier said), has the correct dimensions however the ports are round rather than square like the piston that came out my DT. Any ideas if the round port holes on the piston will be a problem? Thanks!
DT175 disc brakes
Yep! Amazing I know... the DT175 is an incredible bike. I didn't realise they were not available in Europe into the 2000's Thanks anyway guys!
1980 DT175G Running Problems (US Model)
Probably a little late to the party...but I had a similar problem with a lumpy mid range. The trick was to lean out the needle a notch. Basically the needle tube was worn over time, causing the needle to leak ever so slightly. Leaned it out a single notch and bam it worked perfectly. Fuel economy improved markedly as well. Could be worth a try for anyone else reading this thread and not finding the solution they need.
DT175 disc brakes
Hello chaps. Just wondering if anyone knows if late model disc brakes from a DT175 (2001 onwards in NZ, Aus, SA) will fit on older models? Specifically a 1980 version. Will I need to transplant the entire wheel as well? Will the forks fit? Thanks!
DT175 mono shock upgrade
Thanks Kev! Do you have a rough idea of how long the spacer is? Like is it an additional 2 inches? or much less?
What the heck is my bike? (DT175)
Thanks mate, appreciate the reply. Where did you find the information?
DT175 mono shock upgrade
Thanks guys, appreciate your help!
What the heck is my bike? (DT175)
How odd... Its definitely a 175, the engine is a 175 all the pastics etc. are 175. I don't think it is a 125 frame because the frame number matches the engine number. Any ideas?
Hello from New Zealand
Ask and ye shall recieve One dodgy picture from when my mate picked the bike up for me: http://instagram.com/p/U4csZXxi0X/
What the heck is my bike? (DT175)
Hello Chaps So I decided to try and figure out what model my DT is... but I'm not winning. Its registered as a 1980 and was originally imported from South Africa. It's mono shock and has round swingarms (not box). Chasis code starts with 4L9-XXX. Apparently the 4L9 code is not listed anywhere on the internet (thanks google). Any ideas about where to look next? I just want to confirm if it is an E, F, G etc. and the actual year of production. Cheers!
DT175 mono shock upgrade
Thanks Cynic! Looks like I'm not going to win. Do the original shocks tend hold thier own? Or is mine likely to be stuffed after 34 years of abuse? Its a little tough to tell when riding the old beast. I'll keep an eye out for a lift kit anyway.
DT175 mono shock upgrade
Hey Guys I have a 1980 DT175 (DT175MX to the chaps in the UK) Basically I'm working through restoring it and I'm looking to give the rear suspension a bit of a boost. Is anyone aware of a modern rear shock that will fit an old DT175 mono shock? Specifically an increase in ride height / travel would be useful. I have traweled on google for hours and I'm not really winning (other than a very expensive Wilber shock replacement). Thanks!
Hello from New Zealand
Hey All Just come to say hello! My bike is a beastly 1980 DT175. Joing the forum because I want to learn a bit more about the mechanical / upgrade side of things. Cheers!