Everything posted by Unk
Yamaha XS250 1978
Cheers guys.....a couple of dislocated and broken fingers hasn't helped either....still, onwards and upwards
Yamaha XS250 1978
Its been time consuming to be honest but think I am now ready to continue with the project so will be in the garage over the winter (picking your brains no doubt) in an effort to get it finished. I work for a tools and fastenings company based here on the Wirral so nut and bolts no problem Another plus is that I have located an exhaust manufacturer in the UK that does XS250/400 exhausts!!!!! Happy days! How are you....any projects on the go?
Yamaha XS250 1978
Back in the fold gents....apologies for the suspension of the project but new job took over.......
Yamaha XS250 1978
Excellent news.....the V5 has arrived and so the fears I had about someone laying claim to the bike are over which is a relief as I listened to the voice of reason (her indoors) who suggested that I didn't go spending loads of money on something that someone else could potentially have claim to. The SORN has arrived too.....let the refurbishment begin!
Yamaha XS250 1978
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-XS-250-CLASSIC-MOTORBIKE-Honda-/141511047639?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item20f2b739d7 This is what mine used to look like.....spoked wheels......ahh the memories
- Hi
Roughley's Toy Run 7/12/14
How was the new lid mate?
Yamaha XS250 1978
I'm on the case guys and thanks.....the bike is stripped down completely now and as finances allow I will be shipping components off for their restore, frame, engine paintwork, seat etc As soon as I have new pics I'll post them
Yamaha XS250 1978
Paid the price for the ones I was watching on ebay in that I was on a course all day today, not able to get on internet and there were two bids....mine at £35.00 and the winner at......£36.00.....gutted.....and lesson learned I guess!
Yamaha XS250 1978
Located a couple of exhaust mufflers....one in UK one in Germany......do they make them from gold because the prices certainly appear to indicate so....they are original Yamaha bits of kit though......both NOS but one has a couple of scratches.....and neither has the downpipe included......arrrggghhh what to do?
Yamaha XS250 1978
Cheers Tommy.....I'm watching it.....really want a 2/2 but as you say could get me going..... Spoken with RK Leightons in Birmingham and decided that's where the seat is going for refurb/recovering as price they quoted was very good...... Still to decide what I am going to do with the engine casing.....would love to have it ceramic/aqua/soda blasted but if that is to happen it will have to wait until funds arrive from stock we are selling from the Motorcycle Clothing and Accessory shop we had.....its a labourious task on FB....
Hello to everyone!
"Might as well face it I'm addicted to........bikes!" Welcome
Yamaha XS250 1978
This has just gone up on ebay.....back in the day, and the reason why I am now bringing the old XS back to life, mine was just like this except Red in colour but with the spoke wheels.....even more spooky is that the reg on this is EYC310T and mine was EYC314T.....so they would have sat shoulder to shoulder in Bransons of Yeovil back in 1979......ahh the memories....
Yamaha XS250 1978
A bit of a lesson learned there Drewpy.....one of life's experiences.....damn!
Yamaha XS250 1978
Issue resolved to my satisfaction.....after a bit of debate on the phone....sounded a decent sort of bloke but wanted me to pack the seat back up and return it to him for a full refund as today he had taken in an XS250 and could use the seat for that. Clearly that didn't help me and all I wanted was a 'gesture' as the description was inaccurate.....I just wanted the postage back as I suspected, given the age of the vinyl, there may be issues with its integrity. Anyway.....after much deliberation he finally agreed to refund the postage (£10) so I am happy and his feedback rating of 99.6% remains intact. It's good to talk.....
Yamaha XS250 1978
Bit gutted today as the seat arrived and despite being of sound base the cover is split in two places despite the description on fleabay saying to the contrary...'the cover wow condition very very good condition'. This is only the second thing I have bought on there, the first being the bike so not really sure of the protocol but other than the tears the rest of the description is spot on so don't want to send it back but clearly it will need recovering. Any advice on how to resolve the issue would be great.....at the moment I have emailed the seller and I am awaiting their response! I do of course appreciate that the cover itself is probably 30+ years old but the description should reflect this should it not or am I being fussy?
The next project, cafe racer or streetfighter
Respect from the Senior Service
The next project, cafe racer or streetfighter
Got to love us Matelot's for our sense of humour
The next project, cafe racer or streetfighter
Good effort Noise......Yeovil.....I'm guessing something to do with the Air Station there?
2015 R1 Countdown
PORN......Yamaha style....
2015 R1 Countdown
The black is the R1M
2015 R1 Countdown
Yamaha XS250 1978
OK so the engine really is stripped right down now. Didnt get as much done tonight as I would have hoped as spent best part of an hour trying to get Diana's Data Alarm on her GSX650F to shut up! The ignition would not come on and therefore I was unable to reset it so it kept going off every 90 seconds or so....tried the fuses but in the end thought the battery may be flat....and it was.....but I had ridden it for an hour earlier today. The 2008 model had a rectifier recall as it was eating batteries and this has been back to have that done but it still eats batteries. Cant turn lights off on this model.....she is giving it back to Marriots for them to sort! Reckon it's going to need more than my elbow grease to clean this properly as it really is caked on the underside.
Yamaha XS250 1978
Guess who just bought it!!!!! Thanks Drewpy.....
Yamaha XS250 1978
Just emailed them....many thanks Airhead....