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About jeffhj8

  • Birthday 07/23/1996

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  • Current Bike(s)
    1984 DT 125 Lc

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Classic bike, Classic Cars, Snowboarding all things racing

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Its a 20, looked a little plugged up to me, just blowing it out with some compressed air to see if i can clean it
  2. No matter where i put the air-screw it still wouldnt idle. Ill take the carb out and look at the pilot screw a bit better, thanks for the help
  3. I have gotten it to the point were it will start up right away with the choke on and only with the choke on, but once it starts i have to turn it of or it will rev too high, if i keep reving it it will run but it wont idle, i have played with the idle screw and still nothing, i have tried the carb needle in 3 different spots and it still wont idle, the jets seem to be clean. Not quite sure what to do
  4. Turns out it wasn't a crack just a seam, spent another 4 hours looking for a leak and cant find anything, reeds look fine not sure what to do next
  5. Yes the throttle is closing properly, it looks like i have a small crack right after the carb, could this be the problem?
  6. Can't even get it started now, it wont start unless the choke is on, and when the choke is on it just revs up to the point that i have to shut it off right away
  7. The petcock works good, i just went around and checked thr airbox and intake rubber and that looks good too
  8. Well i i have a couple questions about the bogging now, So first off when i got the bike running it seemed to be back to the way it was before, starting and idling ok, then would bog pretty bad until it went to pretty high rpm then would rev like crazy. But now it will not start at all without the choke and it still has a hard time starting. When it finally warms up it will still only idle with the choke but what is weird is that without touching anything and letting it idle it will have a really slow idle, then it will randomly rev up a bit then slow down again and sometimes it will go extremely high in revs then back down to where it is barly running and this is without touching anything and with the choke on. Im thinking it might be something like a crank seal, or a jet has been clogged or something like that. Does anyone have any ideas on what it could be.. thanks for the help
  9. Well i know its been a while, but i finally got around to fixing the clutch lifter. I was actually getting around to selling the bike due to me thinking my work was doing nothing. But then when throwing it back together for the guy, when i pulled the clutch in it came back out to my amazement. Its still stiff, but it works and thats what i care about. But even more amazing is that when it was all back together and ready, i kick it over and first kick with no hesitation it comes back to life! After quite a while just sitting in the canadian cold . i fixed the lifter by slowly sanding away at, took a lot of time to do sand it down but i didn't think it did anything until i actually fully tried it I guess this is just an update, it still bogs has some problems but it runs so ill get around to it. Thank you all for the help before. Have a good onr
  10. Thats what i was planning on doing... thats why i am going to try a smaller size first. Im going to try sanding a little more tonight though
  11. Im thinking about punching it out... i just dont do want to mark it up... i dont have the money to replace the crank case so that is out of the question right now. Im getting 2 punches made one bigger than the other so i can take it easy
  12. I have been sanding it down for a while now and it fits in better but when i go to put it in its normal palace it tightens up again and it seems like im getting no where... and now i am worried the clutch lifter bore isn't the same shape anymore. Not sure what i can do if it is warped
  13. Alright i will give that a try... Thanks guys for all the help
  14. Ya definitely no screw on it... Do you think i should get i fine sand paper (around 600 grit) and try and get those markings out because they dont look too big... Or should i just go straight to machining a punch to hit them out... because its aluminum it shouldn't be too hard to get it out either way.
  15. And get new rear sproket
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