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  1. Just ordered manuel. Fingers crossed he will work out the problem and enjoy his first project.
  2. Thanks for reply. He doesnt want to replace lights etc just a field bike so hopefully it will be a little straight forward. Thanks
  3. Hi, bought my son a dt125. Previous owner tried to convert it to off road but after cutting all wires and removing lights etc he gave up and we bought as it was non runner. It is a 2000 model I think and would appreciate any advice on wiring and cdi to achieve a spark. Thanks
  4. No spark and not sure which wires to connect to cdi unit.
  5. Sorry didnt even tell everyone the problem. Bought my son a dt125 r for a project. Dot good compression and tidy bike. Previous owner converted it to off road and removed lights etc and cut all wires. Left with cdi unit and lots of wires. Think it year is 2000. Any help appreciated Thanks