DTR Build up
Small update time, nothing interesting here. So I decided to do some more work on the swingarm. Just removing bearings and bushings from the swing arm, actually turned out to be quite a hard job. So these are the swingarm bearings, these actually didn't turn out to be too hard to change. A few hits from a hammer with the aid of a spark plug socket to hit on the edge of the bearing and they came free Reusing these bearings is out of the question, but i planned to change every bearing whilst it was apart anyway. That's the point of rebuilding a bike right? Now came the fun part of this evening, removing these bushes. I had previously tried to get these out with a screwdriver and hammer. But no luck. So back refueled and with a little google knowledge i had a new plan of attack Instead of just trying to straight hit them with a screwdriver and hope they get pushed out, i found out that you have to actually split the bush in half so it releases the tension of the bush pushing up against the swingarm. So after cutting a slot with a hacksaw blade and mauling it with a screwdriver i finally got the bushes out. So the hydraulic press at college is going to come in handy if they let me use... so will the sandblaster Sorry this one wasn't exactly too interesting, but that will come when i get paid... at the end of this month
DTR Build up
Seems like a good investment in a mapp torch and plus gas is in need. Hahaha Slice! I suppose any information is appreciated . Cheers Hadley, may need to take you up on some parts when it comes to them
DTR Build up
What's your recommendation on a penetrating oil? Also think there may be a heat gun in the shed, worth a go heating it up with that? Thanks for the help
DTR Build up
Fixed the pictures, they did seem way too big for the page. I did soak all of the bolts in WD40 after snapping the only bolt that still had its head. I think the problem is with the paint :/. Will try to wire brush the paint off and do the old screwdriver slot trick. If that doesn't work then it will have to be a drill and retap. I have no way of heating up the bolt and no grinders or welders. And they seem a bit too expensive for my budget. I will agree with you that the tools are going to be more of an investment, i'd rather spend some more money and get something i can use again and again instead of a one off thing. Edit: Yes I did buy the JUST frame
New comer from wales, expect a dt project thread soon ;)
I just really didn't want to come off being rude.. You guys really do know what you're talking about. Now i'm growing up i'm realising how little time you really do get outside of college and work . Also money isn't too bad for me, i have relatively low bills, but i imagine having your own house etc would limit the money you can spend on project bikes
New comer from wales, expect a dt project thread soon ;)
If i'm honest in an adult mindhood i would also agree with airhead, however this is just my project. I already have a bike to ride around on. Thing is I wanted a project to work on, would help me get experience and learn more about the mechanical side of it, i also imagine it would help me with my application for an apprenticeship when i go for it. Sorry if i seem arragont and ignoring quality advice, but this is something i am really excited to do Anyways here's my thread if you are interested and wish to follow it:
DTR Build up
Well here is my first ever project, bought myself a 1990 DTR frame. My plan is to convert it into a supermoto (may not happen considering DTX wheels are hard to find) have it with a white powdercoated frame, swingarm and fork legs. then maybe have a secondary colour of red or blue, undecided yet. Well here goes Starting off with a poorly painted frame by the previous owner, apparently it was one of his projects which he gave up with after being unable to find a wiring loom and needing money to get a new engine for his car as his current one had shat itself. Amazing how you can post something so large from London to South East Wales for only £15!!! Even got the frame numbers on it Hint: Old microwaves work really good to set the frame on Also bagged myself a swingarm with the chain guide and brake cover. A quick test fit to make sure that the swing arm fits correctly All fits good Swingarm bearings are however crusty... Very very crusty. After inspecting them i found out why, seems like instead of selling me just the swingarm, chain guide and brake cover he also wanted to chuck in some extra soil samples So a big clean of the swingarm is needed, have already started getting all of the mud off of it and cleaning it up a little bit. Don't have a picture of it yet but it's still not pretty. Needs a good sandblast and lick of paint. Also decided to get all of the bolts that hold on the rear grab handle, some of the bolts had already been snapped so i tried to cut a slot in them and undo it with a flat head screwdriver.. this didn't work. The bolt is too skinny to accept enough force, just snapped off. I then swiftly realised that the previous owner had painted the frame without taking any of the screws out... then left the bike out in the elements for a good 3 years (MOT expired that time). So none of these bolts are coming out. My best bet now is to drill and retap the threads. Any recomendations for a good drill and tap set? Seems like this project is going to involve alot of money spent on tools aswell..
New comer from wales, expect a dt project thread soon ;)
Oh poo. The vin is correct and also got the reg. Didn't get a v5 as he had lost it apparently. Did do a check on the reg and it didn't come back as stolen. It was a previous project of his but he gave up hope after being unable to find a wiring loom on it and having his engine in the car blow up, needed money for that.
New comer from wales, expect a dt project thread soon ;)
Thankyou, yes I bought the frame and will be rebuilding with parts i buy for it. Hope to have a complete bike by summer next year
New comer from wales, expect a dt project thread soon ;)
Cheers all, thought i'd treat myself to a nice wooden frame to put a picture of a DT in... Joking. Bought a 1990 Yamaha DTR125 to build up and have nicely painted
New comer from wales, expect a dt project thread soon ;)
Well i'll tell you a little about myself shall I? Currently 17 years old and learning Car Mechanics at college. Got a keen interest for motorcycles and currently on my L plates. I've got an interest for the Yamaha DT125, so much so that i've decided to buy myself a nice frame and see if i can build it up all nice and painted how it would've looked from the factory. So expect to see me put up a project thread sometime soon, maybe in the next week or so. (also expect a few questions lol)