Cheers Slice - I'll be taking it very easy, If I wanted to be like all the other nutters around here I'd have got a cheapo Fireblade ;-)
Seriously, around here the dual carriageways start about 3 miles out of town then this dual carriageway/motorways all the way to London about 75 miles away and Dover which is about 20 miles away which is why this bike would suit me. We do have something called the Wingham bends locally for twisty roads but that is really for modern 600's and below as they are lots of hairpin bends which are hard enough on my 125 cruiser to navigate around much over 30mph. My little cruiser weighs in at 140kg so that's not light in the slightest!
What pads would you recommend for the brakes? I'll stick a pic up of it before it was dismembered. Hasn't been run for about 2 years but the owner has been a mechanic for over 40 years so he'll assist with the hard parts - I've just got to do the lifting parts! One reason for choosing it is that they seem to live forever.