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Everything posted by captf

  1. captf posted a post in a topic in General
    So, a new bike brings new fun things. Like a parking light. That can be left on all day. And drain the battery. *sigh*
  2. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Na, no span adjustment on it. Only on the brake [which I keep forgetting to adjust] It's mainly, though, just to get used to not treating it like the YBR. I'd gotten to know that bike well, that this will obviously be an adjustment. Transition has been good so far though
  3. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'm still trying to figure out if going the 602 is faster than going by Eccles New Road to work - with filtering, I'm still only getting to about 30mph on it. Time difference seems negligble, so contemplating sticking with ENR, for lower chance of knobbers changing lane without indicating [already had it happen multiple times in the past 2 days] Getting home is better, can actually hit the 60+ speeds. I really like how much easier the bike is to handle at slower speeds; I'd forgotten all about that on bigger bikes. Still need to get a proper handle on the gear changes though [and may need to adjust my biting point] - I'm hitting the revs back in while the clutch is still disengaged; or finding neutral when going up from first... But I've not even dropped it yet!
  4. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Ah, this one I assume Shall have a gander
  5. captf posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    So, on my big and shiny XJ6, it came prefitted with Hotgrips [Oxford ones] Thing is, they're wired direct to the battery, so can be switched on and off even when the bike isn't on. At least the person who did this had the wisdom to tuck the controls out of sight, to prevent dicks people activating it when I'm not there... How much of a challenge would it be to rewire them to something like the lights [or where else would be better?], so that the key actually needs to be in for them to work - and I can't accidentally forget to turn them off. Because they were already fitted, I don't have any instructions/diagrams. [Obviously, I will search the interwebs when I need to] Once I've sorted that, the next challenge will be moving it from the ass-tarded location the controls are in [if you try to use them while the bike is moving, there's a chance you'll lose your fingers]
  6. Welcome to the funmadhouse!
  7. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    Here. I'm 99% sure that's flames coming out her exhaust...
  8. captf replied to AndrewElvisFan's post in a topic in General
    Dunno. Audi driver was a tosser with his driving in to the ASL, in a way that looks like he was deliberately stopping cyclists from doing so. Cyclist could have handled it better, though.
  9. captf replied to AndrewElvisFan's post in a topic in General
    I've seen videos of the past, where the cyclist chose to be utter cocks to police who did stop them. Refusing to give details because they believe the law doesn't apply to them. These were videos uploaded by the cyclists! which reinforced the 'utter cocks'. One that I particularly remember is where the cyclist goes "I'm a lawyer!" and proceeds to be a dick. Good luck if you ever need help from that copper, mate.
  10. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    ... was that flames coming out the exhaust at the end of the second video of the first playlist? O_o
  11. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    I shall need to give these a watch soon - look interesting and useful at a quick check.
  12. captf replied to rapidgaz's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Another Manc based type? Shit, hide! [Welcome!] To start a topic, just go to the relevant subforum, and do what you did in here. (: And excuse those of us who aren't quite sane.
  13. captf replied to AndrewElvisFan's post in a topic in General
    I own no leather gear! Mwuahahahahah! [textiles and kevlar for this n00b] And there is no such thing as road tax!!!111111oneonetwo
  14. captf replied to AndrewElvisFan's post in a topic in General
    The only cyclists I have issue with are the "Red light? What does that mean?!" ones. Other than that, I'll give them as much room as I can. I see them as brethern that just haven't seen the light yet (:
  15. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'd prefer a gun metal grey bike... but black is a close second (:
  16. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Video Section
    re: lifesavers - a lot I think is camera angle. I'm normally quite good for them. Although, I do admit there are spots I don't... [i think I know a couple of the spots you mean] I actually live a bit further down from there, Drewpy - that's just where I had the bike dropped off, by the entrance to the garages. One thing I've definitely loved so far [beyond having torque] is how much people actually comment on it in the street... random strangers just commenting "nice bike!" I've also found there's a range of revs [not paid attention to yet], where I can kick it up to second from first, and it's got more torque than it had in first. It keeps making me go "whoa, fuck!" as I give it too much (:
  17. captf posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    Some footage of my run on the new bike.
  18. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    .. does that mean I'm not a cool kid? :'(
  19. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Will do! And Squires... I really should pop along for that, shouldn't I? Given it's pretty much my birthday weekend. I think there are 2 words that spring to mind regarding T-shirts. One of them is "off"
  20. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    So far, I'm loving it. One hell of an upgrade on a 125
  21. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    And from the other side So far, all I can say is. Wow. Again. Actually had a chance to see how it accelerated. I think a Jag XJ [i know!] that was beside me at some lights took offence Bippo: Yeah, I'll hit up Snake Pass soon. Not brave enough yet, until I have the feel of the bike more. Slice: very true! Still having a few issues changing gears at the lower speeds - I keep finding neutral - but this is just getting used to a new gearbox. I'm going to do a reaction video - I filmed my run on it. I'll upload once done
  22. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Once I've been back out on it. The XJ6's exhaust is quite discrete however.
  23. captf posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Taken it out for a short spin so far. Wow. Needing to stop putting the same sort of twist of the throttle compared to the YBR. I'm at 30 before I can even blink!
  24. captf replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in General
    As with everything in the States, it varies from state to state: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restrictions_on_cell_phone_use_while_driving_in_the_United_States
  25. captf replied to Simessail's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome! If you're down Manchester direction, you may see a few of us scattered around