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Everything posted by captf

  1. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Am I not a bit out of the way for you? [but if you're really OK with it, it'd be great]
  2. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Not until I've found out if the battery's totally dead, and not just flat and in need of a proper charge
  3. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Tried it in 2nd and 3rd - same thing.
  4. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Video Section
    Yeah, good heavy duty chain on it. And far nicer bikes than mine there to steal - like the brand new kawa Z1000 (:
  5. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Just tried to bump start it. Back wheel only locked up each time [getting up to about 10mph with it] Poop.
  6. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Video Section
    I know, and I know you're not giving advice in a bad way [nor am I not taking it in a "how dare you!" way (:]
  7. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I have found an alternative method. Possible a bit dearer, but more reliable I think. The more modern version of the hotgrip controller - which you can buy separately - has an auto off feature, by detecting if the engine is even on. It'll probably do a very slight battery drain, as it periodically checks the battery, but is better than the current controller attached.
  8. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Video Section
    It's honestly something I've wondered what will happen, upon impact. I mean, the camera will get obliterated, but is there surface area under it enough that it won't be a major impact point? There is also the case where, on any impact, the force is enough to cause it to rip away from the helmet. And the mounting, the way it's shaped should, I believe, crumple once the camera is gone. I know the main reason that it's helmet mounted is that I believe it important to show where I am looking - like in the instance of someone coming up beside me causing an accident. A forward facing cam may not see that; me being able to look will. I get what you're saying, but I'm weighing it up as an acceptable risk. For now.
  9. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    This bit in here. If you look at the key, anti-clockwise from the steering lock is a "P" [slightly hidden] That is a parking light. In the silliest of locations.
  10. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    While I may get them to replace the battery, part of what I signed said I'd have to get it to them. They will not collect it. [Although, I'll give it a review when I get home] And hey, battery may still be alive - just in need of a full charge.
  11. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    I would need to get it to them first, before I can get them to replace any battery. Although, if I continue to have problems with it holding charge, I may contact them anyway - I have 6 months warranty on "major items" of it. I'd not expect a battery to die straight after getting it.
  12. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Ah, I think I have an idea on what you mean. This is just from my old electronics degree knowledge [which is over 10 years rusty]... Basically, keep the grips wired where they are, but add a line back from the ignition - via the relay - so the circuit's only complete if the ignition is on? The relay only needs the small amp [as you say] to activate, and there's no way for the current to 'leak' back the way, to cause horrible problems. Correct/Oh dear lord no, you're going to die! ?
  13. Yeah, definitely - I've seen on the phone, playing with the satnav, rolling cigarettes [or other...], doing make up, and so on. People forget they're meant to be in control of these rolling lumps of metal. Hell, you can actually get done for eating and drinking in a car, if you're found to not be in full control because of it!
  14. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Too many options already! (:
  15. Part of this seems to have a misconception of what the vehicle tax is... Emissions are pretty much what they're for now. It's not been a "road tax" since the 30s I'm not sure how it's felt we're being cost unfairly - the highest we'll pay is £78 per year [currently], which is lower than most cars... I was actually shocked that my XJ6 was under £60. Even my 1.4 Rover was over £100. And, bikes can end up having really bad emissions [its just we have less of them, compared to cars, and we don't sit around in traffic jams] Based on the comments, people also need to learn that road tax is also levied through income tax, and given to the local councils, and not through VED
  16. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    That's very near me indeed... If I can't get consistent life into the battery by Saturday, I'll take a walk round. All was good yesterday after we got it started up. There was power this morning, just not enough to start it up.
  17. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Update: still an idiot. Didn't let it charge long enough last night (or the battery is gubbed). There wasn't enough power to start the engine up. Today's commute was on the YBR...
  18. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    No comment... (:
  19. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    I have done that in the past, with a car. That was fun! ): I've also worked in a petrol station. It was far too common an occurance.
  20. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well, I shall be adding one to my "buy soon" list, then. Lots of 5 star reviews on Amazon too [the lower ones tend to be from people being stupid]
  21. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I will need to look into how to do that..
  22. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    The AA guy and I left the bike running for ~15mins before I set off [we chatted bikes (:]. Ride home is ~25 mins. Gave it a test restart when I got home, and seemed fine. Worse comes to worse, I still have the baby bike to get me to work tomorrow... Optimates are good then? [Just in case I ever do something silly again]
  23. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    dunno about underrated - I've seen a crap load of positive review (: I'm currently hoping though that I've not killed the battery from completely discharging it today while I was at work. [Left the parking light on like a n00b]
  24. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Now that sounds like a far more sensible position for it...
  25. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    This was honestly the parking light. Fortunately, Mr. AA-Man came to the rescue [told me he rides an R6...] Yay for Bank provided breakdown cover.