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Everything posted by captf

  1. captf replied to Grimmello's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome! You should create a project post too; show us pictures as you restore it.
  2. Me and The Housemate plan to go Saturday - may see some of you there, if you go
  3. captf replied to mfrowen's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Can you take a picture of the issue and show us? [use something like Imgur to host the picture if needed]
  4. captf replied to Noise's post in a topic in The Bar
    At least the buyer knows they're getting a bike that had care and attention...
  5. captf replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in The Bar
    Depending on the junction, that could actually be the course of action for cyclists - depending how far they go. If there's an Advanced Stop Line, then it's expected that cyclists will go in front of the traffic [sort of blocking it] for when the lights change. If there's not, then you'll often get cyclists treating the junction as if there is... If traffic [in the direction they're travelling] has stopped, then it can be safer for them to get in front, and seize control of the lane until they move off. Unfortunately, it also pisses off other road users. [it's like their version of us filtering]
  6. Yeah, was thinking of giving you a call tomorrow, to see if you could help out. I'll just need to remember to not use the back brake when I travel (:
  7. Update: not that... while it made the wheel spin more freely [but not as freely as I'd expect], the pedal still doesn't return to position. edit: rather, the wheel wasn't spinning properly when no brake was applied. And applying the brake is still in the same problem of it not going back to the way it should after
  8. captf replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in The Bar
    Much like any other road users - I treat them with the respect they may deserve. And that respect can easily be lost. If a cyclists follows the rules of the road that apply to them, then all is good. Stop at red lights, make it obvious when they plan to make turns across my path, and so on. If they don't? I hate them... hates them forever! Thief! Baggins... um. ahem. But I'll always give a wide bearth when passing, because it's safer for all.
  9. I've just been told by a mechanic a plausible reason for it: I've not got the back wheel aligned correctly. Given that I was changing its position, that sounds likely. Will give that a go soon and report back.
  10. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Because it's amazingly delicious!
  11. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Yup! At least to Chorlton, where I need to get some lorne sausage from a local butcher [even if it is only pork and not beef]
  12. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Awesome sauce! cheers.
  13. captf replied to Crabby's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
  14. Looks like the back pedal isn't returning to position, so it's engaged the entire time... I can shift it back up, but pressing it won't return. As far as I can tell, the return spring is still OK though. Which makes me think it could be "wheel off" time :/
  15. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Charlie Boorman and Ewan MacGregor.
  16. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    There was power to the bike, while I was trying to bump it anyway, just not enough to start it. It has an immobiliser too, so that would also cause issues if the bike was completely dead.
  17. captf replied to AndrewElvisFan's post in a topic in General
    And heavy enough that you'd only feel like a pothole if they ran over you. If that.
  18. I hope it doesn't come to stripping the wheel down, and instead is just loosening something easier. I don't think the internals have seized - I was using the bike yesterday and the day before, and the brake was previously feeling a bit loose. I shall report back what further damage I do to it tonight edit: and of course, mucho thanks to Drewpy for the battery assist. Really gonna have to get myself an optimate next pay day. [better safe than sorry again]
  19. I am actually not sure to any of those at the moment. [Just as well I was planning to take public transport tomorrow (: ] With the light gone, and no decent light at the back, it was hard to properly have a look at anything. The brake was fine before I messed around with the wheel, so I guess I'm wondering how moving it causes it to affect the brake. Both the Haynes and service manual don't seem to mention any special concerns [aside from loosening the brake] I may try and put it back as it was, and redo it
  20. Slackened the adjuster before.
  21. OK, somehow - I have no idea how - I've got the back brake to seize on after I adjusted the back wheel for a slack chain on my YBR. It's a drum brake, with a rod and even with that dialed down so loose that the nut isn't even applying any tightness. I thought it may have been because of the torque arm - but I can't seem to make any adjustments on that, or am I missing something? [And this is why I shouldn't attempt maintenance myself...]
  22. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    You're all southern softies to me... [even though I life here now]
  23. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Video Section
    It was something to do with the mounting bracket, rather than the camera itself
  24. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Nope, no charger - that was the AA's... It's something I need to invest in. [An optimate, oximiser or something similar] I can certainly bring the battery round in the evening tomorrow or Friday, if that's OK with you?
  25. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Taken to message