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Everything posted by captf

  1. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    When I head north, it's typically going to be Glasgow and the west coast I'll be heading for. I'll likely try and come off to head towards Kilmarnock [can't remember the road off hand]
  2. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Events, Rideouts & Trackdays
    I'm very much an evening person. Mornings are hell for me. I require much caffeine before I'm even vaguely functional.
  3. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    I shall definitely look into that as an option.
  4. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yeah, I had someone else mention the cycle shorts to me, which is also tempting. But a seat is as well, since that'll be always comfier! This weekend, I should really be cleaning the bike [it's a bit grotty after the brutal massacre of so many flies, and needs a proper clean of the chain] and defunking my helmet [which sounds rather dodgy], but might be jumping over to the Stalybridge show, since it's nearby. That also sounds tempting. Wonder what the prices for that go into.
  5. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in The Bar
    The seat I saw was £210. But if I end up needing to do a couple more runs that go in excess of 100 miles, I'll be investing in one. I don't think it's any thicker - just more cushioned. [If it's thicker, I'll need to likely drop the back suspension a bit to be able to get my feet on the ground. Damn stumpy legs!] For enjoying it, because I was pretty much motorway [M602 -> M61 -> M6 -> M74], it was boring. Just glad I had music to listen to in my helmet. But, I found when I did a Glasgow trip - and a run to my old home town of Largs - that even the motorway on a bike is more interesting than a car. Being slightly higher up gives a view that you don't see otherwise. The run from Glasgow to Largs was nice too - good twisty route on that. And holy shit: the Cairngorms had glorious landscapes. Pity it wasn't sunny. My left hip is killing me mainly right now. I must sit oddly on the bike. But I have covered ~1.5k miles in the past 3 weeks. Mostly over 3 trips. [The 3rd was to the southern Lakes to meet up with my parents]
  6. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Events, Rideouts & Trackdays
    I really should make an effort - not exactly far away from me. But why, oh why, do I know I'll not crawl out of bed until about 1pm on Sunday? (:
  7. captf posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Necessity meant that I travelled 700 miles on the XJ this weekend [a wedding on Sunday up in Aviemore]. My butt was killing me by the end. Didn't help that I didn't really have the option of time for a scenic route. Although, the A9 did have some gorgeous sights once you got north of Perth. That seat isn't designed for long distances. I may have to get a bagster replacement [or similar]. I'll never manage an Iron Butt on the stock seat. But far too often I'd glance down and go "well, that isn't 70mph. Ahem"
  8. captf replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in The Bar
    That bike makes my man bits feel funny
  9. captf replied to Katie1's post in a topic in General
    I'm morbidly tempted to ask for the full review...
  10. captf replied to vayduh's post in a topic in The Bar
    They can only asked for snail mailed copies to be sent back [i remember the fun of that in t'olden days]. If you've been sent digital rather than paper, there's nothing that can be sent back...
  11. captf replied to Katie1's post in a topic in General
    Guy reviews: BIKE GOOD! or BIKE BAD! Bippo Reviews: War and Peace. You know, perhaps we should get a section here, somewhere, called "Bippo Reviews..."
  12. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Video Section
    Na, I'm OK with people knowing where I am - I've mentioned it a few times elsewhere and probably in the videos. I assume you mean the Dog & Partridge?
  13. captf replied to Noise's post in a topic in Insurance
    Bikes are the first time I've ever had to pay to cancel insurance policies. I've had to do it a few times in the past with cars, and I've always ended up getting reimbursements. And I've always paid monthly.
  14. captf replied to Noise's post in a topic in Insurance
    I've got hit with something similar on my YBR. Went to cancel it the other week, only to have them say "and you'll owe us £93" After a lot of digging through the various documents they sent - and it's not even in an obvious document - there's a tiny table that states that cancelling the policy requires a portion of the remainder to still be paid. And, after 8 months, you are required to pay the full year's insurance. [From 6 to 8 months, you need to have paid 11 months]. It is daylight, legal, robbery. Plain and simple. Looking at my bikesure policy for the XJ6, it has the same thing. [it's on page 24 of my booklet]
  15. captf replied to Cynic's post in a topic in The Bar
    I imagine this place may be of use? http://nutsboltsandthings.co.uk/
  16. Going through the video carefully, you can see the moment he tries to brake and fails - and then shits his pants. It's after he's passed the crossing. And that point, he tries to force his legs locked to engage the back wheel, but it's way too late.
  17. A comment I've seen was "the redline ain't exactly a guideline..."
  18. The licence they're under is the "Youtube Standard Licence", which means that YouTube [and their partners] is free to do with it as they please, but copyright is retained by the creator. Therefore, any and all requests to use the footage in any way outside of the YouTube embedded player requires the copyright holder's permission. Those that have asked, [apart from MEN, who got there first, before I'd thought about it] I've been asking to donate to charity. The Telegraph, I asked to pay my fee to the cyclist - who I'm trying to get to respond to me [his name's in the Daily Mail article: Charlie Baker], who have agreed. The rest have either not responded at all or stopped when I've said I want it to go to charity. The Daily Star and Daily Mail have posted without even asking, and will have no choice in the matter... although, both are currently ignoring me, it seems. Especially since they've attached ads to the videos. [intended charities are Trussell Trust and MIND] And, annoyingly, I'm getting stressed from the hassle of chasing it all down.
  19. Yeah, I found them - I've sent them an email asking where to send the bill, as they did not ask permission. Interesting that they managed to get in contact with the cyclist, but made no effort to get me, though.
  20. I can believe that. My dad drives a truck, and has said that you typically only know if you've driven over something if you see it happen - the weight difference means you just will not feel it.
  21. The M.E.N later reported that the driver stopped the bus just up the road, to go check on the cyclist - his only injuries were a bit of bruising and grazed knuckles. I know that each time I glanced at the bus [not fully shown in the video] he looked as if he was oblivious, but I can accept I didn't get the full picture
  22. The past couple of days on this have went even more nuts. So many newspapers have contacted me for permission. I've ended up requesting the Telegraph pays for the cyclist's bike to be repaired - whether he accepts is another matter - and all others to donate to a charity of my choice.
  23. low tyre pressure?
  24. Yeah, was never my intention for an "all cyclists" one - just this one particular guy. I really dislike the attitudes you're seeing on many of the posts and so on.
  25. And now a request from Manchester Evening News, and it's showing up on prominant cyclist websites halp! Someone claiming to be the cyclist commented: Thought i'd just get the lights, hence the speed. Realised it wasn't happening, squeezed the front brake. Cable snapped. Not enough time to lose speed on back wheel in the wet. He was riding a fixie Edit: looks like MEN posted their story before I made any response: http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/cyclist-red-light-bus-crash-9318981#ICID=FB-MEN-main