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Everything posted by captf

  1. captf replied to Malleus's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Probably not quite the usual overpayment scam, but they'll claim to send you the money to set up the shipping, and ask you to then pay it [which is to their own third party And who falls for it? Not many, but it only takes a handful for them to make money. And a fool and their money are easily parted, as they say. They then also have the paypal account email address, which can then be used in further phishing scams. It's sorta why - I think - paypal set up https://paypal.me recently.
  2. captf replied to Malleus's post in a topic in General
    Conga rats! My third driving test, I thought I'd screwed up majorly and failed. So, I 'gave up'.... and passed. It removes the stress of the test for you, which can help loads. Now, what's the big boy's bike you're planning on getting?
  3. Now we're taking it too far. Let's just say, my motto over the Christmas period is "Bah, minty flavoured boiled sweets" (:
  4. You mean I have to look Christmassy? I may stick a small santa hat on the front of the bike (:
  5. captf replied to Noise's post in a topic in Random
    Nope, doesn't work for me. ... wait.
  6. I shall mark it in my calendar (: I don't know of anything that'll get in the way at present. I live a lot closer to there too now [moved down to Longsight]
  7. Arse. Got a friend visiting, and I have a bit of a bender the night before. No way of making this one ):
  8. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Well, beginning to think it may not be petrol, but oil that I'm smelling. Oil level *seems* fine, but the idiot light did blip on briefly the other day. And for extra fun, I think I need to check my sparks. Feels like it's only firing on 3.
  9. The use of lights on the conductor's stand as a visual metronome is an nice trick. Although, probably not new...
  10. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Well, they finally made a Haynes Manual for the XJ6, so if I feel brave, I'll have an attempt at getting my hands dirty and looking deep.
  11. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    There is a stain mark down the left side, that I had originally attributed to oil. But when that wasn't dropping I stopped paying attention to it [Bad, capt!] It had seemed to be dried in [cleaning did nothing], but could be related. It's location is [if you look at this image] to the right of the engine, on the left of the plastic bit below the gear shift rod
  12. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Looks [smells?] like it's coming from towards the front of the engine, under the tank.
  13. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Cheers Slice, shall have a read. The smell doesn't take too long to dissipate, fortunately. I'm guessing it's unburnt fuel *somewhere*
  14. captf posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Having moved home to South Manchester, I managed to also get a place with a garage [yay! be able to do repairs/maintenance and stay dry!]. With this, I've found that the bike smells rather strongly of petrol for a bike after using it. Being relatively new to bikes, I have no idea if this is normal, or cause for any concern. There's no spillage on the ground, and the smell's gone by the morning. Hell, it's gone after a few hours. But it does limit the use of the garage for anything else, as it's a bit "blergh!" to be in for any length of time with no real ventilation. The XJ6 is fuel injection, so there's no valve to turn off after use. I have heard that the breather hose can be the cause of this though. So lads and ladettes. Anything I should be looking at, a symptom of something to worry about, or is it a "Completely normal"?
  15. I'd prefer the hardboard. You could build a pretty passable and durable fort to hide in with it. The cardboard would get destroyed when it rained.
  16. captf replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
  17. Update: http://www.wfaa.com/story/news/local/2015/10/19/driver-in-viral-video-wreck-wreck-charged-with-assault/74240788/ He's been charged with using his car as a deadly weapon. Looks like the biker's getting charged too, for the illegal passing move, as well as an out of date licence.
  18. YBR's are a good teeth-cutting bike. And they can handle city winter weathers awesomely too. I spent last winter on one in Manchester (: Welcome!
  19. The sheer psychopathy of some of these people astounds me at times. That they think they have the right to take violent - and potentially lethal - force because someone does something they don't like.
  20. 100C is absolutely fine for a running temperature of an XJ6. If you're not getting up to highway speeds, then it'll typically sit in the high 90s. And while this is a post after you think you've solved it - and may likely never even respond further [prove me wrong?] - where it's puking coolant from is important, and can help us offer better solutions to any problem.
  21. So, Rivington is populated by Cannibal Midgets? I think I'll stay clear of that area, then (:
  22. captf replied to DJYAM's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'd call it.... "my DT" Or, if it's your only bike, "my bike" I'm a boring git, and never name my vehicles (:
  23. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Events, Rideouts & Trackdays
    I think a doctor may be a better thing to ask for...
  24. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Events, Rideouts & Trackdays
    Why would you ever want to go there. It's a land of weirdos! But, have fun this weekend people. And don't forget the t-shirts!
  25. Not until next year! And it'll only be for a few minutes. I apologise in advance for any TVs that blow up when my mug appears on screen