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Everything posted by captf

  1. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Her main issue on the road is, she's only done her CBT and a few years on a bicycle. I've been trying to persuade her to get a couple of official road lessons [she's also my best friend, after all, and I want what's best for her] but money is getting in the way, but she does accept the benefit they would bring. She actually is of the stance that letting people out on the road after having done nothing more than a CBT is asking for trouble [even though she does it herself - but having went for a number of rides with her, she's picked up reasonable road awareness] With that, she's not really learned any real road awareness pointers that an instructor can give you in real time. I can only point out things after well the fact. Update on accident too: her insurers are treating it as full third party liability, and this will cover the costs of the bike being recovered and stored last night. And have agreed to hold off as much contact with her as possible until Monday, to allow her rest.
  2. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    She's was already talking about replacing the bike last night - she really enjoys it and the freedom it gives. My main worry is she may get really nervous once she's back on one, on the streets. But hopefully that won't last long. @lallasro - You are, here, incorrect. In a 2 lane road: "When it is safe to do so, signal to indicate your intentions to other road users and when clear, move over." Highway code section 133 If you are changing lane, you must indicate, to inform other road users of your intentions. The main exception is when you are returning to your own lane, on a single carriageway, after overtaking. Changing lanes indiscriminately is a traffic offense. I failed a driving test [some years back] for doing just that. I received a "Dangerous" fault for it. And the road in this case was a marked road - each lane was for going in a different direction. But in saying that it's not important who's right, but that I don't get hurt, you are very correct. [i am also heavily assuming that English isn't your first language, and where you say 'bend', your intention is 'lane'] And definitely with the roundabouts. Lane discipline is a foreign country for many drivers. I avoid being side by side with another vehicle where possible
  3. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    I had a near call yesterday too. 2 lane road through town. I'm in the right lane behind a white van. He starts moving over to the left lane [no indication], and looking ahead, it's clear. I pull the throttle and start to overtake. He then decides he wants to be back in the right lane, and forces me right to the centre line - can't go further due to the oncoming traffic. Of course, it was my fault that he made no indications or observations at any point, and he actually said he shouldn't have to use his mirrors. His reason for changing back to the right was to overtake a truck turning left. Like that made it OK to not check for me.
  4. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    The police are involved with it - matter of course when there's injury, I believe. I'll be reminding her to point that out to them. She [Housemate] told me that she knew it couldn't be true, because she deliberately had her high beams on at that point. And I don't think it's to not lose the NCB, but instead refusal to admit that they could ever do something wrong. It was likely the classic SMIDSY situation - saw the light, but hard to get a frame of reference for the actual distance, so - instead of giving it a tiny bit longer processing time - just pulling out.
  5. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    I was shaking when I stopped my bike by the police. It's nuts how angry a SMIDSY can make you, even when you're not the victim. But she has no broken bones or worrying injuries, and was released after just a few hours checking her over. Her worst is a very badly bruised knee. She's definitely angry about the loss of bike - she's only had it a few months [another YBR125, since she's still on CBT until she hits 24 in January] The police have told her that the driver of the 4x4 is claiming she didn't have her lights on, and that's why she pulled out. On a 2009 YBR? Nice try with that claim on a bike that cannot turn its lights off!
  6. captf posted a post in a topic in General
    My housemate is also a biker, and was riding home when a range rover pulled out of a junction into her path. What happened: We'd been at a gym class [yoga...] and she left an hour before me as I was continuing on. On my route home, I see a police car with a bike next to it. And my first thought was "That looks like [my housemate]'s bike..." I get home, and sure enough, she wasn't home yet. I gunned it back to the police car [well, keeping to the speed limit...], jumped off the bike once I spotted it was her bike, with the first words out my mouth being "Is she OK?!" to the police officer still on the scene. Her bike was up on a recovery truck, with the front end completely mangled. Shaking like hell, the policeman told me that she was OK, but had been taken to hospital as a precaution. She'd been walking about when they arrived. Race to the hospital [after informing her boyfriend] and she was shocked to see us. Largely upset at her bike being fucked, and a fair bit at me for telling her boyfriend... As far as can be told, she's just rather bruised. Bloody cagers.
  7. captf replied to SCDave's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
  8. Their Rossi branded flavour doesn't taste very nice... It's like an odd mix between Sprite and Lilt
  9. It does sound like a Manchester area based ride out is needed at some point - there's a few of us over here, I believe. My housemate goes over snake pass regularly, to visit her boyfriend in Chesterfield. She loves it.
  10. I completely do that too. It's like the meerkat effect you get in offices, when a pretty girl [or man - who am I to judge?] walks by... (: Disappointing when it turns out to be a scooter. [still yet to ride Snake Pass...]
  11. Hello, fellow Scottish Person! [albeit, I have departed my country of origin....]
  12. Now, I could be wrong here, but I think she may have been trying to kill you...
  13. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    I shall assume that is the thread in question. I shall have a read through soon (:
  14. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Shall I assume Groucho is someone who had/has lots of luck with their bike(s)? I didn't even want to risk bending it back into shape. While it was useable [with 3 fingers] in its bent state, I just knew it'd snap if I did.
  15. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    And, as if dropping it once wasn't enough... Monday, after work and feeling like shit from a cold that just kicked in. Gridlock so bad in the city that it wasn't possible to filter or even squeeze the bike through gaps between cars. So, I decided to just walk the bike along the side of the road. And, because I was feeling like crap, and it being a bit wet, when I hit a bump on the road, the bike slipped from my grip, and down it went again. This time, actual damage was done: Trying to decide if that or the lever snapping would have been worse. Still, all fixed and replaced now [replaced both levers, to be safe - bought from "Motorcycle Products", with nice quick delivery] with black levers. Dunno, just 'felt' right (:
  16. I'm sticking with the YBR for a bit, while I investigate my options and save up some money. While I have my license, I don't feel I've "earned my wings" yet, and I'm mostly commuting anyway. I am tempted by a VSX650 though...
  17. Oh, and for more of the examiner's sense of humour: As he handed me the pass certificate, he commented "And hold on to that, as you'll need it for part 3." And walked out the room before my test-frazzled brain had a chance to catch up.
  18. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Oh wow, I'd be mortified if I did that - and make a very hasty exit
  19. I am now a fully licensed biker. 4 minors [2 of which were for hesitation - stuck behind a bus, and I didn't want to risk nipping out. Yeah, I was too close... 1 for speed [34-35 in a 30] and 1 for rear observations.] Thought I'd failed. Got a grilling from the examiner after regarding the minors, and then he did a "So, do you want me to send off your license, or are you happy getting your own?" Had to resist going "You utter bastard..." Unfortunately, no celebration ride for me just now: killer headache kicked in after getting back to the bike school, which wasn't helped by driving home in rush hour traffic. Instead, it's sleep time.
  20. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Na, it was on fairly level ground. I just hadn't pushed the sidestand all the way out [thought I had]. OF course, it wasn't quite as level as I'd thought.
  21. captf replied to captf's post in a topic in General
    Lever seems to be OK. It's not actually bent. It just pushed it out of place, so that the section that the lever [and mirror] is attached to was rotated slightly. Not sure if it's paranoia, but it does seem to be looser [as in wobbles vertically more] than it was. No effect on actual usage, though - still rides perfectly fine, and no damage to the cable. Tempted to get a couple of levers spare [clutch and brake] - just in case.
  22. captf posted a post in a topic in General
    ...of hearing the sound of your bike falling over. Had my bike up on the stand, while I was at my front door. And I hear that distinctive sound. First time this bike's fallen over, and it was because I hadn't put the side stand down right. *sigh* No major damage: indicator cover fell off [super glue fixed], scrapped the bodywork by the seat, and the most annoying was the clutch lever pushed out of alignment. At least that didn't snap, like I had happen to me on my CBT (:
  23. captf replied to vayduh's post in a topic in The Bar
    My home region [born in Kirkcaldy]!
  24. I haven't. I'll need to add it to my list (: