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Everything posted by captf

  1. captf replied to supernova83's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
  2. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    She's all that's wrong with Fox News, rolled up into a single person.
  3. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    She was abhorrant the other year too, after the Clutha helicopter accident. She is, almost without fail, vile and offensive. A comedian has recently said, about her, "I can't decide whether you're a worse person than a convicted paedophile" I think the worst punishment for her would be to allow her to fade into obscurity. She craves attention, and doesn't care how she gets it.
  4. Welcome! Proof that it's never too late to go for you license? (: For hazard perception, just click whenever you see something that could become a hazard, and then again when you see it start to actually become a hazard. For instance: Pedestrians at the side of the road *click*, nothing changes. Junction ahead *click*, car in the junction *click*, car then starts to pull out of the junction [no need to click, you've already seen it] Cyclist ahead *click*, cyclist turns their head *click*, cyclist changes position in lane [no need to click, you've already seen it] Kids playing with a ball in the grass by the pavement *click*. It's unfortunately all rather artificial. But you'll get it!
  5. captf replied to lauragilmour's post in a topic in General
    Edit: That's sorta what's happening with my housemate. She's finally getting her bike back after her SMIDSY crash, and she admits that she's getting nervous about being back on the road. Fortunately, she has already been out, with the courtesy bike she had for a while, but she would tense a little with cars appearing at junctions, or ones waiting to turn in front of her. They gave a brand new CBF125 to a learner, the fools. After 300 miles, she stopped using it, as it started responding funny to her, and she had no idea on how to deal with a new bike. [They didn't give the owner's manual]
  6. captf replied to lauragilmour's post in a topic in General
    Would not be surprised if the driver was completely oblivious to you, let along you coming off the bike. Good to know there wasn't serious injury to yourself
  7. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yikes, looks like he was someone some of friends knew too :/ He's been named by police, as a 27 year old from Leigh http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/motorcyclist-killed-m60-scott-hope-8327498
  8. captf replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in General
  9. captf replied to mcferreira100's post in a topic in The Bar
    Please tell me it's not a mankini...
  10. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Unfortunately,there's still the problem of the asshole drivers already on the road. In the past 24 hours, I've seen about 4 drivers deliberately jump red lights, when the other directions' traffic has started to move. If a biker had been at the front, they'd potentially have been killed. One of them wasn't even the first time where the driver overtook me, stopped at the line, because they didn't want to wait. And almost clipping me as they come back into lane. The sad thing is, over the course of time I've seen them do this shit, there's no consistency in the type of vehicle used - small cars, big cars, white vans [they're always white...], and "Look, I have a small penis!" cars, or of the type of driver - the drivers have been men [ranging from 17 to 'not a OAP'] or 17 to mid 20s women [rarely older].
  11. captf replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Here's a link to the full proposals, which is far more encompassing than just the CBT. It's about getting more people to take up motorcycling, due to the growing evidence it makes for safer drivers and roads. It also includes: training rather than tests for progressing licence categories making it more beneficial to get an A1 licence incentives for using a motorbike to get to work 'enhanced' CBTs for renewing bikers [so they gain further training, rather than just repeating what they should know] more incentives to do advanced training [iAM, BikeSafe, etc] Allow for official training on your own new bike, after you have your licence. It's quite an interesting read, at 115+ pages, written by people who obviously care about biking rather than those who pushed through the 3rd directive.
  12. And *high 5*! Go out and have fun!
  13. I did my test on a Gladius. They're a nice and predictable ride. I'd be tempted for one if the XJ6 hasn't caught my eye so much
  14. Knock 'em dead! Well, not literally!
  15. captf replied to Alex's post in a topic in FAQs
    Because you touch yourself at night?
  16. captf replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    I actually notice there are distinct moments where you just know the cagers will be utterly terrible. My 2 main ones are 1) the clock changes in and out of BST 2) a snap change in weather The averge driver just doesn't seem to be able to cope with anything that changes their routine. Which is odd, because commuting is monotonous, and anything that makes it different should be good! But over winter, it does seem to get worse. That they just can't deal with darker evenings. And rather than accept the conditions are beyond their abilities, they instead just cause accidents.
  17. captf replied to Leefost's post in a topic in The Bar
    One thing to try, in a safe enough place, if you're stuck in second [or neutral]: Clutch in, rock the bike back and forth very slightly, and see if it'll drop in to gear. Another question: where do you have the biting point of the clutch set at? [even if it's not something you've adjusted yourself]
  18. captf replied to Leefost's post in a topic in The Bar
    I guess there's a few questions first of all [to help figure out]. When you change gear, do you skip any before releasing the clutch? e.g. going from 2nd to 4th Is this while stopped or while moving? How is your gear changing technique? Rolling off the throttle, clutch in, change gear, ease off clutch and introducing revs? [this is not an indication of perfect changes]. Does it 'bang' or 'thump' when you change? How are the oil levels looking? Don't worry about taking off in 2nd. If you give it enough revs, you can pull off in 5th safe enough. On my YBR, I do sometimes have issues where it'll hit neutral, and downshifting won't come out, until I give it a firm push.
  19. captf replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    Slice, I've worked in a supermarket a few times over the Christmas period. It is torture. The same "christmas" songs on repeat - a CD that lasts about 45 minutes. It does amuse me that they always include Fairytale of New York on it, though. I never believe they thought that one through. Worse, though, is when they bring in the bloody carol singers.
  20. captf replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    what do I hate about Christmas? Everything.
  21. well, butts. Just woken up. Not enough time for me to get ready and make it down ):
  22. Undue Hesitation is a bastard to fail under, but at least you know you're not unsafe. [i got 2 minors under that, because I hesitated in overtaking buses] You'll get it next time.
  23. Is that *actually* a hairdryer being used to power it? [Welcome]
  24. Hi

    captf replied to Bob Mad Dog's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Howdy, Bob. Welcome to the madhouse.
  25. captf replied to vecie78's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area