Everything posted by ~~~ Clive Senior ~~~
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
andrew I tried that... connextes to my car battery left car OFF and tried to jump and still just clicked
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
how long would one of those take to fully charge a bat?
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
ye he filled it at 9am I collected at 11.30 n he tested whilst I was there n said its ready for use (just goin by what he said)
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
andrew cheers. battery is new I replaced it first n its fully charged. gonna try taking one wire at a time n cleaning n put back on n move to next one etc then if all else fails do starter motor once running service it
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
im looking at learning with the bike as cant afford the bills of shop all the time and im willing to attempt just didnt want to if its a big job or something I cud fuck up n make worse..... the video ur on about I presume is the one above? I havnt watched it yet as when trying on my fone it said error. need to watch it on the pc thx for all ur input guys :)
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
is it an easy job for a novice (if it is ill attempt) or would u suggest a shop jobby? also do I need to put the new starter on timed up or anything or just push in and bolt on? is it safe/adviseable to use whilst like this or will it get that it just wont start at all even with bumping? and will I do any damage using it ?
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
Neversaydie, the battery is brand new and the shop I got it from filled it a couple of hours before I collected it for me and said they tested and its charged. kill switch is working fine as when its activated I don't even get a CLICKING noise - side stand switch is which I donno about as it wont start whether stand is down or not. ok we have a development!!!! I tried to bump it by putting it in 2nd and pushing forward and dipping clutch and ignition all at same time and it fired and started. ??? but when it stopped it wouldn't start by ignition alone I had to bump it again (only over a space of 3ft whilst in 2nd) ???? does this give anyone any idea?
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
well ive tried the pushing back and forth in 2nd and I can hear like a winding but when I put back into N and fire its still clicking so ive bid on a Haynes manual for the bike to do bits just don't want to cause more damage than already done. has to be either wiring problem or starter im presuming as ive rules most of the rest out. 1) cleaned battery terminals with sandpaper so good contact. 2) changed battery for brand new battery 3) tried to jump solarnoid 4) rocked in 2nd back and forth (over a 3 foot distance) and tried to fire but nothing. so surely it has to be starter? bike was running fine and to go like this overnight ? the advice and guidance is genuinely appreciated! just as I said above very nervous about braking/causing more damage messing with the internals Cheers
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
heheh andrew did u miss the part where I said I WASN'T a mechanic heheh if I do that I guarantee the bike will never run again heheh
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
I cant seem to find the starter motor only the solarnoid???? give us a clue where it is lol? Ill try the rocking in second tommorow as its all tucked up in the garage now. wheres the earth cable as i looked for one of those but couldn't seem to locate. thanks for help mate!
HELP!!!! my bike wont start :(
HELP PLEASE! I have bought a 1997 Yamaha YZF600 Thundercat. The bike run find and nice to ride, then it just wouldn't start...... just "clicks" when i press ignition This is what i've tried: Replaced the battery with brand new fully charged battery. still clicks Tried to "Jump the solarnoid" by putting a screwdriver accross the 2 terminals and pressing the ignition still "clicks" from the battery area Checked all the fuses under the seat all fine. HELP!!!! please see video below this shows what it does. http://youtu.be/CW7t-gmCXTQ?list=UUDGZZeoBjrULmSyc5uKGWSA Thanks in advance Clive.
New from North Wales
Hiya all, Im Clive, im from North Wales, newbie on the bike scene, bought a 97 Yamaha YZF 600 thundercat for my first bike. Im 32 n work in security.. hopefully Ill get to chat to a few friendly people.
Vehicle: Yamaha YZF 600 Thundercat (1997)
Name: Yamaha YZF 600 Thundercat (1997) Date Added: 06 September 2014 - 07:59 PM Owner: CliveSenior Short Description: yamaha yzf 600 thundercat (first bike) View Vehicle