Everything posted by vayduh
Mt07 or hornet?
An xj6 is also a serious option for me.
Mt07 or hornet?
I've been quiet (lurking and enjoying the YBR over winter) Now passed A licence and looking to move up to a bigger bike. Torn between a new MT07 abs and a slightly old Honda Hornet abs. I know I'm on a Yammy site but would welcome any thoughts that more experienced heads may have on the matter.
Dreaded ybr headlight
I would be interested if this fits - might do the same to mine.
Anyone heard of www.roundandblack.co.uk
Which tyres for winter?
10 each. I didn't think that was bad. I'm new to all this though.
Which tyres for winter?
Just bought Pilot Streets for the YBR 125 for just under 75 quid from mytyres.co.uk quite happy with that actually. Getting quoted 42 for fitting if I take the bike in and 20 if i take the loose wheels in to my local bike shop which also sounds reasonable enough. I could not get Sporty's for love nor money which seems a shame as it appears from here and other sources that they were a great tyre.
Anyone heard of www.roundandblack.co.uk
Looks like i will be ordering Streets then...
Anyone heard of www.roundandblack.co.uk
... And it arrived. "sorry we do joy have stock of that product it has been replaced by the upgraded Pilot Streets which unfortunately we can not supply at the same price"
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Read on reddit recently: The most powerful liquid in the world A young kid is sitting on some church steps shaking a bottle of liquid and watching the bubbles rise when a priest walks out from inside and asks him: "what have you got their son?" The boy says, "this is the most powerful liquid in the world father, it's turpentine!" The priest says" oh, you got that a bit wrong lad, the most powerful liquid in the world is holy water, why if you put one drop on a pregnant woman's belly, she'll pass a girl and if you put two drops on a pregnant woman's belly, she'll pass a boy!" The kid responds "Ah, that ain't nothing father, if you put two drops of this on a cat's ass, it'll pass a motorcycle!" Link
front forks
Darn just wasted/enjoyed who knows how long reading Cadxs entire thread. Building a bike in your flat is nuts (although I do know of someone who built a bike in his livingroom and then had to take out the windows to get it outside once it was fully built.)
Darn - all these people with projects. Very jealous! Still going to stick with buying relatively new and maintaining for a while though. I would so love a Honda CB250 or Yamaha XS250 to ring back to life though - maybe once the kids piss off.
Hi guys :)
Hi. Enjoy.
New comer from wales, expect a dt project thread soon ;)
Have to agree with Airhead but hey if its all about the experience then it actually doesn't even matter if you ever get to a full bike. Wish you all the best - will be watching your build with interest.
South Wales Newbie saying hi
Oh how I know that problem! I always maintained I just wanted to practice but it didn't quite work out like that....
Anyone heard of www.roundandblack.co.uk
Drewpy - thankyou. that will do me - ordered Now to wait for the we don;t actually have any stock email in the morning.
Anyone heard of www.roundandblack.co.uk
Any good or bad experiences? They seem to indicate that they have stock of Pilot Sporty's I might try anyway as I'll be paying by Credit Card.
Hi from Kielder
that gut wrenching moment...
Will you get a new lever? I just ordered one for myself as well. I figured with it being aluminium (looks like it anyway), that bending it back might stress it too much.
Which tyres for winter?
And Ontario is mostly pretty mild by Canadian standards - certainly down by Toronto. Great advice on dropping the pressure.
YBR 125 - Tyre recommendations?
Still looking. Seems like the well recommended Michelin pilot sporty's are no longer made. Still going to see if I can get a hold of some and if not will likely go for the pilot streets . Still open to getting pointed in a different direction however
New member of the Noise family
Fantastic. Don't stop at two.
Tightening chain on ybr.
According to Haynes: slack should be between 200 and 300 on the YBR (2005 to 2013). check multiple places on chain. chain stretch limit is 191.5mm (measure between 1st and 16th pins)
YBR 125 - Tyre recommendations?
Maybe i should search first!
Nearly had a swim today!
Still pine after my first Cortina. Shitty brown and couldn't take roundabouts at all in any road conditions. Plus side you could break in with some parcel tape in seconds when you left your keys in it and locked the door. They do not make them like they used to.
Hello From Swansea
Hi James. welcome.