1969 YCS1 fork boot (gaiter) questions
That for sure is true,unless it was in a climate control room. All rubber will harden and deteriorate. Thanks for clearing this up. I have found some that measure pretty close, but I'm a perfectionist and that's why I was asking. I will do some looking, and what I find I will post to let the world know.
1969 YCS1 fork boot (gaiter) questions
This is driving me bonkers have searched for 2 days trying to find the right ones, which I might say is very hard almost impossible..WHY doesn't Yamaha or another company make these?? Does any one know if you can get them. Talked to a few places and search on here for websites. Would like to have factory fit, if possible. At the top below the tre the white bushing has a groove where the top connects I measured 48-49mm and the bottom on the fork itself there is another groove that measured 41mm. All the aftermarket ones seems to be close but once again have to zip tie or clamp. If someone could give me some insight would appreciate it. Thanks
Ymaha ycs 180 engine help please
We got her going. My friend I work with swung by today to help me out, very knowledgeable in all mechanics. We took off the carb again and yes more junk in the jet, he cleaned it all out and adjusted the float level a little, did some fine tuning and starts beautifully. Rides great, good idle, and starts one kick not 8. Very happy and greatful because this thing was whipping me bad. So junk in the carbs was a definite, Thanks for you allls input on things for us to check. I love my bike and he said it was nice rider, and looked great.
Ymaha ycs 180 engine help please
Well I haven't deserted all you all, but been busy here in garabage land 4 trucks down and only mine was running. Whew what do you tell your boss ????????? All that a side took the carbs off and yes something is goofy for sure, cleaned all out (very dirty alot of rusty powder residue that was clumping up), started much easier, now it is firing out the right side and not the left. Yes I know it WTF!! but it is, so I tore down the carb 3 times 1st time dirty 2nd not too dirty but float seemed sticky 3rd all is fine. However it seems like the choke lever on the left side when I push it down than up again it starts to fire and the engine will rev up than exhaust looks nice. Didn't think about pulling choke out. Could this be the problem ?? But yes thinking definitely fuel issues over electrical. THANKS to all.
Ymaha ycs 180 engine help please
Alright man I take that all in consideration, got a couple of books coming my way. I will keep that in mind with the carbs, I got a neighbor that has many years with Yamaha and other toys. I will see him on the carb deal. Thanks for the post and I'll be back to fill ya all in on my findings. Maybe a week or so but I will return...
Ymaha ycs 180 engine help please
Yes I have ran in-line filters on both lines. I spoke with a guy here in Nebraska HVC Cycles and he said could be maybe battery, points or even then the charging system, because the whole system he said runs from a 12 volt system. If the battery is not fully charged or is bad its not putting out the proper current to coils,points, etc,etc.even though there is spark to wire. He said each one is ran seperately............so one could be afected and not the other. Than he said after measureing current, go to the carb. Forgot to mention that when I pulled the plug it was wet, I think more oily (slick with gas) but without a strong odor of gas. And putting my finger over the plug hole both sides seems to have good presure. I will try the carb cleaning Do I need to take it off and if so should I have a new gasket on hand or can I make one from gasket paper?? Thanks for giving me ideas.
Ymaha ycs 180 engine help please
Just bought a 69 180 Yamaha and ran fine home started up idled fine no problems. There was a little rust from tank sitting and not properly stored so I took the tank off cleaned ur up put a new fuel petcock in because the old one was shot, leaked, and fuel was only coming out one side nicely other side just trickled. But mind you it still idiled for at least 10 mins. no problem and ran at speed up to 40 to take it home to my place..Now it is very hard to start will not idle for more than 15 seconds and exhaust only coming out left side. There is spark to plug (new ones installed) took off exhaust piston looks nice, took off filters, took petcock back off, no signs of problems....I'm lost....When it starts (very hard I might add) the smoke only comes out the left, the exhaust is extemely hot, and the right side, very little exhaust comes and exhaust doesn't get hot at all ??? You can hear a slight ticking (my neighbor said) out the one side but he is puzzled too. I'm lost as I said and feel very defeated, been at it all day. Thanks for any help you all can offer.
New to Cycles and New to Repairs.
Need help identifing problem with my newly acquired motorcycle. Are there certain areas that are the best for certain bikes ?? I will be checking out the headlines and FAQ for my problems but just wanted a quick answer if possible, banging my head on the wall......So Howdy to all, didn't mean to be so right to the point, but just bought it 3 weeks ago and its already dead. or maybe not. I'm a new rider (street). From the US,, Nebraska to be exact. I like the old school, café racer style , and some that I've never heard of but very cool looking. I belong also to the mud website for I also have a 1977 Toyota Land Cruiser. I love the just get out for a cruise on a nice day, but also look good and unique. That's why I chose my bike, also the price was nice. So once again Hello to all and everyone here. Enjoy your ride !!
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