Everything posted by Kevinp4966
Warranty Issue??
The manual states a minimum of 95, runs like shit, so tried the 97 from BP ran smooth as silk then just because it was closer filled it with Tesco fuel and it started having issues with starting.. changed back to bps 97 and it's running sweet as again.
Cambridge area
I'm sure it's possible between work! Let me know some plans and I'll take a look
Warranty Issue??
I changed my fuell from Tesco 99 octane momentum to BPs 97 octane, starts immediately and smells fine too now guess it's picky with what you put in to tank. Case closed farts along nicely now.
Warranty Issue??
I was talking about changing the fuel provider from Tesco to no slice thinking it's possibly an additive from the refinery. I've had the bike checked and it's behaved fine at the dealers and when I picked it up but it's now miss behaving as it's cold. I'm going to give them a ring tomorrow see if they can come take a look at it, or if it's dry I'll run it up there. It's not a case of it not starting at all it does eventually start but it sounds like it's straining and takes its sweet time, smells very rich when it then does start until it's warm.
Warranty Issue??
Yeah it's fuell injected I don't use the throttle starting but it still doesn't want to start, Tuesday I'm going to empty the tank and try some different fuel thinking it could be an additive it doesn't like?
Warranty Issue??
Sorted (apparently) got it back from the workshop, they fixed the electrics, serviced it.. got it back with the fairing covered in oil though!! Complained about that and got the service for free too. Got it home, cleaned it looking sweet again... Only problem is it didn't want to start yesterday outside work!! I'm starting to think it doesn't like supermarket fuel!? Next fill up will be BP see if that sorts it out.
New rider I love it!!!
Up.yours I wish my missus still tickled my balls.
New rider I love it!!!
Yeah I remember lol the nerves take a little while before they're completely gone though. It's great that people are getting bitten by the bug! Welcome and stay safe, this group has a lot of useful advice to give. Where are you from Drunken?
Warranty Issue??
It was brand spanking new out of the crate. I'm not impressed. It messes about when the weather is cold but it's fine the rest of the time. I'll be giving Webb's Yamaha a kicking tomorrow.
Warranty Issue??
There are no others in the area unfortunately. I'm not trying to be funny but I shouldn't be having problems with a brand new bike. Just on break and again it's refusing to start, borrowed my bosses test kit and it's putting out the right current to start. It's just not doing anything.
Warranty Issue??
After 4 attempts it finally cranked but wouldn't fire, 5th attempt it eventually fired. Actually I'm off tomorrow it's going back and they can sort it out or I'll take my money to Honda.
Warranty Issue??
Wouldn't even crank this morning for work. I'm going to raise hell on Monday. Disabled the alarm, put the key in turned the ignition on, hit the starter button it cranked once, the dash went out and the electrics went haywire...
Iron Horse
Hey I'd love to know if anyone's been to the Iron Horse in Market Deeping. I went the other day it's fantastic, it's owned by bikers for bikers, friendly bunch live music... Food is astonishing... I mean really!! If anyone's up for a run down I'll have a look at what's on. They regularly have in excess of 300 bikes there from tractor owners clubs to crotch rocket pilots to average Joe.
Warranty Issue??
Thanks for the info gents and ladies (if there were any lol)
Warranty Issue??
Well it's going to be cleaned Friday before I take it to Webb's for servicing on Monday (it's covered in mud looks like I went off roading with it... Love those wet fen roads) Will take pictures after it's been detailed.... Friday's going to be one long ass day. Edit: just a Quicky off topic should I be blipping the throttle on a downshift or just slip the clutch out???
Warranty Issue??
It's in for service on monday but I'm going to get them to sort it. So far I'll have to be honest I'm not impressed by the quality control. Bloody odd levers, 1 is matte the other glossy "that's how they come", the gearbox can be temperamental "typical Yamaha", sometimes struggles to start when it's cold and wet "connect it to an optimate it'll condition the battery.." It's putting out 13.4 volts which is fine and it still is taking about 5 seconds to start it on the button.... Maybe I'm inpatient where that's concerened but I'd expect it to be almost instantly... On the upside though the ride quality and engine are fantastic all things considered.... Ohh also I can't reset my trip and fuel consumption read out.... Apparently I'm doing 99.99 MPG all the time..... Even instantaneous FC without the engine running.... I'm probably being overly picky here but I spent a lot of my hard earned money on the bike, I expect it to be faultless.
Warranty Issue??
Ok So I've owned my yam a little over a month now having bought it from brand new. I went out and plugged it into the optimate and noticed half the paint has come off of the bottom of the fork leg where where the wheel spindle bolts through. I'm pretty pissed about that, is that a warranty issue or wear and tear at 577miles. I'd say it's poor quality of finish.
Close shave!
I entered the corner in the middle of my line, I didn't lean far enough pretty much just ploughed through it looking at the middle of my lane rather than through the corner, the verge got closer and I got target fixation it's was a stupid mistake on my part. So yeah pretty much what you said. I know about the wide in tight out and looking through the corner, vanishing points and that but for whatever reason I didn't on that particular turn.
Cambridge area
I'm in the wisbech area so not too far outside really!
Yamaha FZX 750 has any had one ?
A friend of ours had one, he said it was comfy but felt a bit floppy in the corners... Decent amount of power through the rev range but apparently felt flat from 6k onwards.. Could be a one off i guess in terms of the flat spot??
Close shave!
I don't remember any signs, was an unmarked back road all I had to go by was the tree and shrub line.. should have slowed down really but hind sights a lovely thing! I'll put the watching the branch get closer down as target fixation. Will learn from it though. Ride was going well until then! I'm still amazed that it clung to the grass as well as it did the road!! Haha meatloaf I bet the owners were pleased with The brand new free of charge flowerbed Got Sunday off so I might try that corner again more sensibly if I can remember how to find it.... Though I do speak 2 octaves higher now than I did before riding that toad of a road... I'd call them dips in the road but they felt more like canyons...
Weekly Routines.
Weekly- wash, wax, seal and detail, tyre conditioner, tread depth, pressure, chain condition and lube, Oil. Daily - alarm, lights, keys, ignition, smile
what bike to get for training CBTs?
just passed test and on a A2 licence
Well done but you're wrong on the age restriction... You're restricted at a2 for 2 years or until the age of 24 which ever is first. The piss take is that if you want to ride unrestricted you'll need to retake both theory and practical tests to have the restriction lifted. Still Congratulations on passing!
what bike to get for training CBTs?
I was sugjesting 600cc tourers with good low end grunt but yeah I forgot about the fazer too. While were on the subject no one mentioned the Suzuki SV650... Best of all worlds so long as you're not planning on wheeling