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Everything posted by o5otato5o

  1. Ok noise only touched tappets because of this starting issue engine was tdc i set screw to 1.5 out andrew still nothing lost
  2. Hi minion thankyou for the warm welcome in my experience tuneing a 2t 50 is asking for trouble they just blow up take it back to standard and save the heart ache
  3. Thankyou minion looks.like a good little forum.so far so good few good ens helping with my.little issue sorry r.e my posts im on mobile
  4. Wd 40 all the conectionss
  5. As said float needle seat or stuck float
  6. Ok tried again cleaned carb again 1)air screw was full in thats not right is it? 2)cycled again for a fare while on button exhaust got hot so i have ignition right? 3)if i go over 1/3 rev (while starting with button) it gives a throaty pop from exhaust and stopps trying to fire too rich?
  7. +note plug is dry after trying but she.is.slightly fireing so obviously.burning juice off?
  8. o5otato5o replied to Bisto06's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Never did post back I could have done with a reply did you fix it?
  9. Sounds like your in too high a gear drop the box
  10. Yup just read it andrew all tgings i allready tried im afraid borrowd my freinds battery off his dt125r and no luck fuels all fine aswell
  11. Ye filters clean plug looks fine and starts first or.second bump
  12. Yes the bike was fine until friday after work altho was becomeing harder to start slowly. can someone verify the tappet gaps for me just waiting on a set of feelers from a freind No matter how high i set idle it idles high the dies gradualy And as above with the starting explanation
  13. And my multimeter just gave up the gohst
  14. Where do i test please just tried a frrinds battery made no diffrence
  15. She tries at about half rev she just fired once but then died on idle again cleaned with carb cleaner checked all jets float seat and float level all good nice spark aswell once starte i can ride say to the super market wont start again have to bump it it turns over and sounds very close to starting but just wont go that little extra sorry for grama etc but i am dyslexic auto correct is great
  16. Hi guys been looking for a forum for a while now and finaly found you sorry for posting in the workshop before herr its not my norm to do that but pretty deaprate anyway hope to spend some time.helping aswell as being helped So HELLO FROM ME
  17. Recent new battery i thought the same hope not this ones only 2 month old what could cause battery kill And really sorry but need bike for work so was trying to be quick but will post asap in the new members section
  18. If anyone has any ideas fire away starts on bump but not button runs and rides but cuts out when i stop so far carb cleaned new plug oil changed tappets set (not perfect no feelers) timeings lined up fine ima slightly lost its slowly got worse since my daughter dropped it Any help much appreciated its my only.transport sorry if this is a repost