Everything posted by o5otato5o
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
think timeings out ? how do i adjust it
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
right tappets set no change andrew can you get me a photo of your tdc marks lined up at all ?
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
no wont idle i have to blip revs
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
found it on here via a google Valve clearance inlet 0.05-0.09mm exhaust 0.15-0.19mm
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
yes andrew now used tho lol think the soot is from when i put oil in the head as id been told previously but in tappets at min
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
sorry for multi posts pretty desprate and just workin out how to use this forum
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
plug after a ride home from work
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
So the feelers ive got start at 0.05 any good? Next up is 0.10
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
PS thanks for your support so far guys mucho appreci i will share some pictures at some point aswell
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
ok lads will let you all know tomorrow thanks as i said m8 ive tried a freinds battery (off his dtr125) he uses daily and mines new plus had a full charge last night its shure not the battery deffo some sort of fuel/air issue i think if not i hold my hands up (useless)
Diagnostic by sound
ebay or local dealers
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
only thing i changed was tappets and used a rizla packet top tab lol is it the actual papers ypur supposed to use ? loaned my feeler out and they never came home ps tried a freinds battery (he still useing daily) mines 2 month old if that so i know its not battery
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
why isnt there a check list order lol sooo hard picking up my feeler gauges tonight if push comes to shove its my first time takeing a bike to a garage been 9 year lol (allways had 2 strokes tho) i will try tho i am determined but yes going full check list again one last time will allso add piks as i go this time so give me a few days guys as got to fit it around work Just check tappets are .004 and .006 ? i always thought .002 and .006?
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
ye ive done the oil in head and leave plug out aswell the oil in head caused slight smoke and after a few attempts it fired (seen that in one of you other posts) but still no go over all i.e. it just died on tick over
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
i have tried then all every suggestion has made no diffrence im afraid apart from trying to fire with tank open will try now got a break didnt work
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
it can fire but its asif i cant sustain its self under running pressure it will get to the point of wanting to fire but just doesnt have that little bit extra
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
yes tried that aswell andrew
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
was not sarcastic sorry if it sounded that way my grammer sucks never thought to try with fuel tank open but put a full tank of clean fresh fuel in today as i thought mabe a dud batch as it happens some times. fuel flow is fine tried that. the jump from a car is my next test but at work while 8:30 all week
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
started when i came to work friday left friday to go home wouldnt start just turned engine over it tries to fire but wont go that little extra to fire so i thought first cheapest thing buy a new plug new plug in and still the same so asked the guy at the shop he helped me bump it and said seems low on compresion so to set tappets so did that and still no luck so cleaned carb still same i thought at that point mabe a blocked oil filter or crappy oil so replaced them and did oil change still nothing
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
slightly obviously to bump it
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
really awkward with tools i have thats your mix andrew mines set to 1.5 out carb has to come off lol its really starting to seem like a compresion issue but cant seem to find where not rings no smoke at all from her
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
ye andrew thats as we call it in uk ur tickover/idle screw and adjusted it full same at handlebars/rev
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
not just yet noise would doing that tell me anything? short of stripping top end down think i tried everything?
yamaha SR125 cuatome start problems
No fuel pump yes fuel is gettin there as ive said she tries to go off button.but just hasnt got that little extra umph exhaust and head both get warm