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    70 ct 70 78 dt 175 83 kx 125

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  1. https://youtu.be/rwfpROC6-p8 It was the coil(brown wire) I took the one off the stator that was originally on the bike and put it on the one I just bought and it makes fantastic spark. Just gotta tune everything up
  2. Hey guys I'm still having spark issues here I just spun my crank with a drill to see if the bike will make any spark at all. It makes it at high speed but not at low speed. My tests for the stator showed my charging coil( brown wire) to be very low compared to the specs airhead provided could this be my problem?
  3. I guess it is a good thing I don't have any lights. This setup should work I actually switched the lighting coils between my two stators so now it plugs and matches and everything. Still no spark not sure what to do now
  4. Also how important is the green/white wire
  5. Ok guys I'm super close I think I found out that the mysterious black/red wire is actually the other side of the pickup coil which is why when I put my multimeter across the red and the black I got no resistance. When I put it across the red and the red/black ie across the pickup cool i get 13.6 ohms on the dot. I think on the actual stator the coil is just grounded to itself so should I just ground the red/ black wire and I should get spark right?
  6. Also when testing the brown wire I only got 210 ohms. I also wanna note that I put my ground as the coil base.
  7. Airhead thank you it appears the red wire is still my problem here I picked up no resisetence at the cdi connection or where it plugs into the harness from the stator
  8. Can you walk me through the connection values and how to test it because I ordered one off eBay with the matching fly wheel but this doesn't seem to be making any spark at all and no more back fire so I wanna verify if it is good at all.
  9. Hey cynic to no surprise I have been unable to find a stator for a 78 however I found one on ebay for a 77 it 175 he claims it'll work for my bike however literally minutes before I won the bid I found one at the local salvage shop matching the one on eBay exactly and he let me take it home to put on my bike to see if it'll work and it didn't the bike back fired very hard and threw the lever back at my foot. So I'm wondering will one of these work? The only difference I can see from the two is that the it stator had a black with red tracer and red with yellow tracer opposed the to the plug with the yellow and blue. Also when I had the it stator from the salavage yard hooked up I had the black/red and red/yellow hooked to nothing. I just don't wanna invest my money in the stator from eBay of its not going to work
  10. Ok thank you for all your help I'm really glad to have finally found the problem. I think I'm leaning on finding a stator because it'll make the bike "right" I just hope I can find something reasonable priced somewhere
  11. When I try to switch those wire the bike doesn't even attempt to start which would make sense of the white red tracer wire is for the initial coul
  12. Cdi are avalable but expensive. So you don't think there's any way I could make it work the way it is?
  13. Sorry for the rambling a bit this all is making my head spin slightly. So where do I go from here
  14. After typing in the part number I found on the stator I believe the stator to be from a 1980 dt125g the diagram I found on bike bandit matches perfectly
  15. What the heck do I have going on here cynic have you ever seen anything like this
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