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Everything posted by age136

  1. age136 posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Looking at exhausts for my mt03 and these seem to be a fair bit cheaper than the usual suspects . Any experience of these on here ? One drawback is that they aren't road legal !
  2. age136 replied to age136's post in a topic in Naked
    Thanks for the replies. Guy I work with has an xt660x with cans and power commander and he said the p/c made a big difference due to glitchy fuel injection in the xt . I've read that the injection was better on the mt03 though . I've ridden an mt with akropovics and p/c and it felt a big improvement . No idea if it was the cans , p/c or just the fact that it sounded sooooo much better lol
  3. In my teens had a cg125 first bike . Gp100( this was when it was cheaper to insure a 100 than a 125 . Then an mbx125 , then my rd125 ( d48maf ) god I loved that bike ! Later a 350ypvs and an fzx750 briefly .
  4. age136 posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Evening all , I've said a quick hello in the welcome section but would like some advice on mods for the mt 03 . So far it's completely standard but I plan on fitting a power commander and a set of aftermarket pipes . I could wait until a set of secondhand arrows or akropovic come up for sale sh or I'm tempted with some of the stainless Mivv cans . Does anyone have any experience of these ? Quality , sound and power ? Other mods will be a spray job and a screen .
  5. Hey all , new to the forum . Just got back into biking with an 2009 mt03 and loving it .