Is this correct?
If its not done tonight then I will be fetching my bike along with the cash I paid to have it restricted as they are well and truly taking the mick, hats off to the guy if he's genuinely have issues with the supplier but there's no need to come out with all the bullocks story's about waiting on documents... cheers guys
Is this correct?
I am on an A2 licence and I have taken my fz6 for restriction, but the garage keeps saying to me that the part hasn't come due to the dealer awaiting a registration certificate from vosa, now he has given me 3 different days it would arrive but hasn't due to vosa not sorting the paper work, is this the proper procedure for this or am I being take for a ride...
fz6 tail tidy install issue
Not yet been brave enough to tackle it yet I think I require a few beers whilst doing it haha but if I can't do it ill get a picture to post
fz6 tail tidy install issue
Tried all sort mate there isn't really anything to break under where it attaches just bolted to a metal under plate I've given up with it for now as I was losing my temper with it, if it comes down to it I will drill through the bolts it's just a pain in the arse to do so thanks anyway
fz6 tail tidy install issue
Hi guys I've bought a tail tidy for my 06 fz6 and when trying to install it today there was 2 Allen head bolts and 2 bolt holding it to the rear, the 2 bolts there we no problem but the Allen heads wouldn't budge I have reed everything to get them out and have even cut the head off of one of them to slide it over and then I'd would have drilled the old bolt out if it's was threaded but it fender holder still won't budge any ideas?
Barnsley Bike show 27th July
Might have a ride out to this one if there's some interest
Hello all
Thank you slice looking forward to being an active member of the community
Hello all
good news anyway ive sorted it Anyway to the introduction, My names Kyle and i'm 21 been wanting to do my licence for a long time so I finally did it! I've always wanted a yamaha from being a kid and I finally have one even though I wanted an r6 but we all know what insurance is like it dashes your dreams do I went for its little brother the fz6 fazer and to be honest I love it. Anyways looking forward to hopefully attending some ride outs around sheffield area and surrounding areas and hopefully meeting some fellow yamaha riders
Hello all
Hi all, I have just passed my A2 Licence and bought my first bike (Yamaha FZ6) Just need to get the thing restricted before im on the road but i cant seem to find a 47BHP 35KW restriction kit for it any help would be appreciated. Cheers Kyle
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