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Everything posted by mikkopoika

  1. Hi I'm new at the club but I've had very much help reading the old topics with my glorious battle with all the problems and faults with my old DT 125 LC. Thank you for that Well I finally managed to det the old bugger up and running nicely. This ofcourse did not anymore satisfy my twisted need to fiddle about with the machine. Since I got a bargain price on a Gianelli exhaust I decided to get a bit more fun from the bike and bought me one. I was looking forward just to bolt it on and head for the fun. Did'nt quite go like that. The Gianelli was more of a weld on than bolt on. Had to shorten it from the rear to accept the original suppressor, weld a bracket to it and new nuts to hold the heatshield. I was thinking that this isnt for this type of bike, but anyway I had it fitted properly. Then to the road and off from it. The sound was promising. It reved better and the best power was at about 9000 to 10000 rpm. With the original exhaust it was at some 7000. I tested how fast it was and then it hit me. Disapointment. It took about 100km/h with 3rd gear and when i flipped the 4th in it just bogged. Like the main jet was too small. So I fitted mainjet two sizes bigger to 270. Still the same. Tried without the silencer, nothing but amazing sound. So it lacks 20km/h from the top speed wit the original exhaust. Was 130km/h. Is the mikuni vm26 just too small carb or is it something else? I'm not somuch after high top speed, but this does not seem good as I might burn the piston with weak mixture on hard riding The settings and mods in the bike are as follows: Model dt125 lc mk3 -87 Carb. original mikuni vm26 mainjet 270 idlejet 30 airfilter foam pod needle 3rd (middle) fiber reeds sprockets original hmm.. what else.. rider some 65kg almost fourty still a kid =) help needed Thanks