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  1. Hi Guys, sorry for the late reply, i've been head of heels in other projects The oil is definitly two stroke, you can tell by the color, my gear oil is more a gold color, the two stroke is blood red. I cleaned out all the oil and I'm sure it is back in there by now (haven't looked but will tonight). So at this point I will presume the pump itself has blown a seal if I find oil in there again, perhaps I can run it without the cover on and see if there is some squeezing buy and filing up the area. It is still pumping out oil on the little tube, I can see it move in there. Took it for a 6 mile ride today, brings total milage for the year to maybe 15... expect for the idle screw being set too high at operating temp and a slight wobble in the front wheel (must have hit a root in the woods) it seemed fine by my standards. Might have the clutch creep up on me soon, but thats an easy fix. Cheers
  2. Hi Guys, I have been reading on and off in the forums since we snatched up a 1981 DT175 about three weeks ago. We have since gotten busy and fixed it up for my significant other as her first bike. Last weekend I wanted to clean out the autolube system and when I removed the cover for the pump I was greeted by an oily mess, the whole think was full of 2 smoke oil. Now one would think thats not normal, a hose goes in the pump from the reservoir aka inlet and one goes out aka outlet. Both are connected properly. Anyone got any hints? I cleaned everything up and left the cover off, doesnt seem like anything is leaking (right now). I have serveral bikes, but not many are as fun as this little wheelie machine!! Cheers