1978 v75 gearbox?? help
thanks for the advice.. is the pw80 engine a straight swap??
1978 v75 gearbox?? help
thanks for the reply. i have never seen one of these before and when bought it, i did not have a clue what it was . so thanks for letting me know is a v75a. it would sound like my bike is prob still standard and prob has nothing wrong with it as it does rev high then drops dramatically. i will keep m,y eyes open for a v80 engine but i doubt ill find one but as i say ill keep looking. thanks for the help just as an after thought if the engine has rolllers like a modern scooter can i put lighter rollers in to make it rev higher
1978 v75 gearbox?? help
hi i have got my yamaha v75 all working, only problem seems to be that it accelerates well but then when revs are high it just doesnt change gear. after a while it seems to change gear... the revs lower and the bike starts to accelerate again. any ideas if this is normal or can i adjust when it changes gear? its got a funny lever for high and low and neutral
help with 1978 v75
ill be fettling this weekend so fingers crossed it will pass mot and then im on with mods cheers
help with 1978 v75
i have a "problem" i love old scooters and i love making them go silly fast my last yamaha qt50 did almost 50mph and was sooo fun. i like the look on peoples faces and i like improving things.. if it was never restricted how can i improve performance. its not worth a lot of money and its not a collectors item so i may aswell have as much fun with it as possible. i ride a cb1000r as my daily ride but i just like old odd things.. i also have a qt50 a heinkel tourist a dt50m a honda city express and a honda c90 oh and zx6r that im selling. i just like making things on 2 wheels faster oh and i have a 80cc mountain bike that does 54mph(sat nav) i like silly things
help with 1978 v75
hi i have just aquired a v75 in ok condition. its only done 1900 miles from new.. my question is.. is there any info on de restricting it anywhere as i have looked and cant find any.. im thinking cdi or bigger card maybe expansion chamber exhaust.. any help is much appreciated thanks
qt50 TUNING help
hi where could i get some racing reeds from and also a 80cc big bore kit the best i can find is 60cc. i am looking to build a 50mph qt just for a laug. i love my qt its brilliant but soooo slow. what compression should i be getting as its reading 75psi i think this is very low lol. if anyone has any idea please feel free to let me know or if you have any experience of performance parts let me know thanks
dt50 year?????
it does indeed look somethink like that but i will be painting the frame re with white plastics and polished bit s
dt50 year?????
cool thanks well i have messaged paul so hopefully he can help thanks
hello peeps
maybe mine will be ready if i can get it registered that is
dt50 year?????
*2m9-10**** this is the frame number when i gave it to the shop they could not find anything so any help would be appreciated thanks
dt50 year?????
hi i will go get it now thanks for all your help and i thought i had added in the newbie bit but i had not. i have now and i hope i can help others as i am knowledgable in the 2 stroke world
hello peeps
hi i love all my classic bike they are so super cool and now im ading a dt50 to my collection i have afew bikes and i have decided that in my old age i will just collect and save as many classics as i can so if ya have aheap ill try and save it lol. hopefully i can help others to im in bury manchester and love anything old
dt50 year?????
hi i have adt50 with twin shock what years did they make these please and is their any model changes thru the years as i am trying to find out what year mine is thanks EDIT DDT: Threads merged. Keep it in one place fella. When you get into the "sorting out" part, people will have the full history and not have to search around for all the single threads.
dt50 year?????
hi the bike is in a million bits at the moment so does this mean i need to put it back together as i am restoring it
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