Everything posted by Volvomeg
YBR125 replacement clutch
Yup it had proper motorcycle oil in it as i had just changed it, not sure what it had in before though, Lever has always been heavy since getting bike, as in hand ached after riding through middle of leeds on it on way to work, Got new clutch,plates and gasket just need to get a break in rain to put it all back together, oh and some more new oil
- Poundland
YBR125 replacement clutch
Well stripped side off bike tonight once i'd removed exhaust and rest pegs as i couldn't get cover off without, Oil i had changed less than 300 miles ago can out like sludge and there is no linings left on clutch plates, I have to say i don't do things by half, Checked mechanism before i stripped clutch basket and it all worked ok
YBR125 replacement clutch
It just lost all drive to back wheel, Did 5 or 6 continous figures of 8 then went for a ride round outside edge of carpark to let things cool down and got a couple of laps then noticed clutch starting to slip then it just lost all drive, It accelerated away from cones ok but i didn't get mush warning before it lost drive, Tried messing with cable but didn't make any differance, clutch lever has been quiet heavy since i got bike, usually a good sign in a car clutch is on its way out when pedal gets heavy, Not took side off to have a look yet altho there is 2 kits for my year of bike, one with 5 plates and one with 4 so going to have to strip it to see which one it is before i order it
YBR125 replacement clutch
Started my motorcycle training last week for my full licence, Had a spare couple of hours other night so decided to go have a play on my little YBR doing some mod 1 stuff, Just about managed 40 minutes before my clutch decided to disintegrate, Do i just buy an EBC clutch kit from ebay or does anybody have any other recommendations, Am quiet handy with a spanner so going to do it myself,
Does changing one tyre only matter on my little 125
Well it passed its mot with one advisory on one of front fork seals thats just starting to weap a little, I asked them to do front tyre aswell so when i pick it up it will be sporting 2 michelins, Think fork seals will be next winter project as am fairly competent with a spanner
Yamaha YZF R125 Top Speed.
Had my YBR125 to 75 once and i was absolutely bricking it, it didn't feel safe at all Quiet happy trundling about at 60 until i pass my test and get something that is abit more capable,
Does changing one tyre only matter on my little 125
Yeah thats what it was, i had remembered reading something about them been quiet highly regarded, Ill see if it passes and might get them to put matching front on aswell altho i ready do need to get my finger out my ass and get my test past this year
Does changing one tyre only matter on my little 125
Dropped my bike off for its MOT today and lad had a quick scout round it before i left and said rear tyre was getting abit low, Fair enough as ive never been very impressed with the cheng shin thats on it now, altho dont know if its just because its the width of a push bike tyre, They had a michelin in stock for it so told them to fit that while they have it, But then i remember reading something about best changing them in pairs, lad said don't bother might aswell run front off them change them both next time as it doesn't make a much differance on smaller bikes,
Yamaha YBR 125CC
Do you really want to do anymore than 65ish on a YBR125, I find mine really skittish at anymore than 60mph, I'm just going to put up with mine until i do my test and get something a little bigger thats more comfortable at A road speeds
Ybr 125 (2013) headlight bulb
I replaced my headlight bulb in my 08 plate YBR125 with one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180800679141 Much better than the standard bulb, also fitted one of these to sidelight http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251611872455
Full bike test
I did my cbt end of june and already getting itchy feet for a bigger bike, Ive done my bike theory test and its not alot differant to car theory i don't think altho i did mine on paper rather than computer, Now saving up for test as insurance and tax might be cheaper but one things for sure test isn't
Tips for ybr125 pulling away at junctions??
Now 2 months and a thousand miles more on my little YBR gears are now becoming second nature, Can tell when am in first gear without looking for the light just with the way it clips down past neutral,
Hello, Looking around there is a few 250cc bikes knocking about altho i need to pass my test to ride anything any bigger than my 125,
Another newbie with a YBR125, Passed my CBT end of may and just about lived on my YBR since, Having had a scooter when i was 16 for 18months before i passed my car test i had every intention of getting another bike at some point, Now a little older (31) and hopefully a little less stupid decided to get another, i had the idea of having a year on the YBR to gain some experiance and then do my test but am already getting itchy feet and looking into doing my test and getting something a little bigger, Maybe a 250 or 400 as i want to use it for work riding through middle of leeds, but want something a little more comfortable on open roads
Tips for ybr125 pulling away at junctions??
Am still quiet new to the motorbike world and have a 08 YBR125, I have noticed that knocking down the gears as you come to a stop but while your still rolling makes getting it into 1st alot easier, you will get used to what gears are ok to change down at what speed without jerking bike But never try and change more than 2 gears at a time without releasing clutch as it will just jam up and leave you stuck as i found out when i did my cbt when it jammed in gear and wouldn't do anything on road ride Unless am at a set of level crossings or stuck for a while i just tend to hole it on clutch in 1st as finding neutral can be abit awkward, If your unsure if your in 1st at junction just release clutch lever abit while you have your foot on back brake and if bike trys to move then its in first, if it just trys to stall its still in 2nd,