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Alex DT 175 1974

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  1. The guy at the yamaha shop told me that sometimes cobwebs inside old speedos make the needle work slowly. He suggested blowing some compressed air through one of the holes. I did this and it seems to work better now
  2. I was about to buy a new 76 carb but there was one thing I wanted to try first. The little knob protruding inside the carb that makes the valve go straight up and down was pretty recessed, I had a feeling that the valve was twisting inside after putting it together. Well, i pushed the small ball from the outside and it came through on the inside of the carb. After that, I placed the valve again, close the carb installed it on the bike and it runs. I am not sure if the little ball will recess again though. Has somebody experience something like this before? PS: I have to say that for somebody that never touched an engine before, this has been a great exercise that brought a lot of pleasure. Thank you to everybody on this forum that pushed me to get my hands greasy
  3. Brilliant I will go ahead and buy a carb then Thank you guys!
  4. So you're saying I could use it and ignore the oil pump delivery connection? Should that be plugged? Thank you for the photos
  5. Hi After a lot of tinkering, I realized that my DT175 it came with a carb from a DT100 I am not sure what the effect would be on my bike since I have not been able to ride it properly yet. I am looking for a DT175 carb but all I find on ebay is 1976 and newer. Is it possible to use a 1976 carb on my 1975 bike? According to the VIN number I have a DT175B Thank you for the help Alex
  6. Alex DT 175 1974 replied to Alex DT 175 1974's post in a topic in The Bar
    I was looking at that for a good amount of time actually before I put it together. I will have to open it and see again Is there a reference photo anywhere? Sorry for posting on the wrong place
  7. Alex DT 175 1974 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey So I took the carb apart, replaced the O ring, the needle valve set and the gasket. I cleaned it up well with carburetor cleaner. Put it back together and now my bike start with choke and one kick. The thing is that the RPMs are really high and if I try to push the choke back in, the rpms get out of control. This doesn't make sense to me since I thought that when you pull the choke out is when you engage it and a richer mixture of gas goes in. For a moment I thought the accelerator cable was caught on something or too tight to I loosened it, but nothing. I tried playing with the air intake and the idle but no luck . And I followed the direction on the manual for one turn on the air intake Any ideas of what it could be?
  8. Alex DT 175 1974 replied to Alex DT 175 1974's post in a topic in The Bar
    OK I had my first hand experience with the carb and it went great I think After cleaning, replacing seal, main jet and o-ring the bike starts with one kick the RPMs are really high though I will try to tune the carb next, I read you have to close the air intake then open it one turn then adjust the idle screw We'll see how it goes
  9. great info guys I will tackle it this weekend Cheers Alex
  10. Hi guys So I slowly started getting some courage and taking things apart on my bike. On of the things that doesn't work is the speedometer. I have taken it off the bike but when trying to see inside there is no way to get at it unless i brake the bracing ring, it seems Is there a proper way to do this. Here is a photo of my screwdriver trying to unbend the ring without much luck https://www.dropbox.com/s/n3laiuozfsgrdk6/cb140719-173149-3.jpg Thank you
  11. Alex DT 175 1974 replied to Alex DT 175 1974's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nice bike, you're lucky yours came with that front fender
  12. Looking on ebay for some time now. One of the problems I am having is that there seems to be a lot for DTs 76 to 81 but not much for 75
  13. where do you guys buy new crank seals, carburetor gaskets and and things like that?
  14. HI so here is a new problem I am having If I use the choke I can't start the bike, without the choke I have a to quick it a couple of million times before it stars, sometime it works better to push it downhill and start in second gear but even this can take several tries. Once I get it started and wormed up it seems to idle fine. When I ride it get this issue, when going uphill it runs out of power it seems, no matter if I give it gas. I recorded the sound with my phone to see if I get a pointer on where to start looking for a fix https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4165737/Bike.wav Thank you for the help!
  15. Alex DT 175 1974 replied to Alex DT 175 1974's post in a topic in The Bar
    That was my feeling about the new technicians, swap and go. I'm going to give it a go, so far the bike runs most of the time. I have a feeling the carburetor needs to be cleaned up so I am researching how to do that. I just got an original service manual for bikes 68 to 74, mine is a 75 but I am guessing not a lot changed in one year. What do you think?