Everything posted by inpar
Greetings from Sunny Notts!
Hello rokkchic, I.m a new boy here, but they don't seem like a bad bunch, taking foamy out of that comment ! Have fun and stay safe !. Inpar.
Members 6 posts 0 warning points Gender:Male Country: Bikes:Newly acquired yam xvs 650 dragstar ..... now moved on to an xvs 1100 classic. Posted Today, 06:01 PM Well tank you fellas for your input / advice .... In reply ......Slice ..... I appreciate pump, compressed air etc, but if I've got a flat tyre that tells me it won't hold air ? Cynic !! I like your approach to this bikin stuff .. u made me smile. Foamy ... I've googled " that green gunk shit " but didn't get many results ?? I thought it might have been a brand name ?? Aaaaand another thing ! u can't have " speeds ", it doesn't have a plural, u can have high or low, but not both, unless u say " he moved at variying speeds " .... tell me to shut up ... Thanks for your input fellas, and I gain from it that it isn't worth concerning myself with ... Is it Cynic ? Stay safe, Inpar.
Well tank you fellas for your input / advice .... In reply ......Slice ..... I appreciate pump, compressed air etc, but if I've got a flat tyre that tells me it won't hold air ? Cynic !! I like your approach to this bikin stuff .. u made me smile. Foamy ... I've googled " that green gunk shit " but didn't get many results ?? I thought it might have been a brand name ?? Aaaaand another thing ! u can't have " speeds ", it doesn't have a plural, u can have high or low, but not both, unless u say " he moved at variying speeds " .... tell me to shut up ... Thanks for your input fellas, and I gain from it that it isn't worth concerning myself with ... Is it Cynic ? Stay safe, Inpar.
Hi all, Enjoying a ride up in the cotswolds recently a thought came to mind, PUNCTURE ! what if I get a puncture in the middle of nowhere, I've got breakdown and recovery etc but I am wondering what you lads or lasses would suggest as a " get you home / garage " type solution. From when I used to ride many years ago I seem to recall a can of foam type stuff ?? I could be dreaming tho. I would appreciate any advice or suggestions from you time served people. Many thanks, Inpar.
Don't tell me you haven't done it !
I thought my tale of woe might have encouraged a few to " fess up ", made me smile. Blackhat250 ... plonker you say ... nope I didn't use that word for myself ..... though one of the words I did use had 2 of the same letters, they were the P and the R and they were in that order strangely enough !
Don't tell me you haven't done it !
Decided to take my newly acquired Draggy for a spin yesterday, lovely sunny day tra la la. Stopped for petrol 1.3 miles from home, paid for petrol, sat on bike, ignition, starter button .... nothing ! To cut a very long story short I called the breakdown / recovery ppl after trying to bump it , the first chap came and couldn't start it with a jump and had the wrong vehicle to lift it, so a second vehicle was called for. In the meantime I decided to text the chap I bought it from to see if he had any ideas .... The 3 magic rules came as the reply 1. Sidestand. 2. Neutral. 3. Kill switch. I chose number 3 and went home calling myself some wonderfull names. In my defence this is my first bike in many years and I'm also stupid ! It'll never happen again !.
New boy here ( but an old 'ish man )
Thank you all for the warm welcome.
New boy here ( but an old 'ish man )
By "ish " I meant 57 .... Hello to all and each . I'm returning to the world of biking after a lull of about oooooh 30 odd years or so . I used to commute from Swansea to Bristol daily on a Pan European, wonderfull ! I recently underwent a life changing experience .. renal failure ! ... I came out of that and thought " sod it !, life is short, I'm gonna have some fun and enjoy myself " Foolishly I thought I was still 30 odd years old and bought myself a Pan ! Wrong decision , lovely as it was I had to admit it was too much bike for me, I no longer had the physical or mental ability to handle one of these ... so I bought it on a Friday, and sold it on the Sunday. I'm now the proud owner of an xvs 650 dragstar, 97 , 15,200 ish miles ... black and shiney and beautifull. What a lovely shape these bike are !. I had confidence on this bike immediately, centre of gravity etc etc, so when I eventually convince my wife to " come along " It'll all be ok ... hmmmm I'll be back soon and look out for rides and chat etc.. keep smiling. Dave.