Everything posted by smokie
Tranny issues I think??
same here i thought you were on the wrong kind of site any way back to the prob if the bike has been sitting for a while could be a number of things like final drive chain if it has one(may have a shaft)or could be clutch or as you said tranny fault i would take the chain off first and see if you can push it back
Just 2 minutes of your time
voted for the doggy all the best for your mate
pitted front forks
thanks drewpy will give that a try cheers.
pitted front forks
hi folks i'm in need of some ideas on how to clean up the aluminium (bottom section) of my front forks which have white powder like pit marks on them any suggestions ? cheers
new here and just sayin hello
welcome welcome welcome
going fishing
sure is you just can't bet it
the tank will rust from inside out due to the water from condensation and rain sitting in this lower part of the tank, after much research , debating and ermmmmm mmmmmhhhhhhhhh ing i decided to go for prevention rather than the repair and opted for por 15. only time will tell if i have wasted time and money on this method so all i can say is do some research into which product to use (if any). i must say ; after i had done my tank the inside that i could see looked like new. i can not comment on the full fairing as i have not looked into that but maybe the lads on the xj900f forum may be able to help (http://uk.msnusers.com/yamahaxj900fownersclub/ome.msnw) i have only had my xj900f for 1 year so i am still getting to know how to fix it hope you get your finger probelm sorted ,enjoy your xj900fwhen the weather gets better
bar weights are what go in the end of the handle bars to take some or all of the vibration similar to balance weights on a road wheel as for tyres see other listing you have also relax while on your bike try not to hold on to tight . enjoy your bike i think the xj 900f is great
XJ900 Tyres
Finally, how do I change my flag from British to English? if you go to where you got the union jack but look for estonia the english flag is estonia for some reason?????????????
XJ900 Tyres
i had continentals on my xj900f when i first bought it and i went to a local indepentant tyre dealer who recommended a bridgstone on the front and said when i change the rear to keep them as a matched pair so i would say go for bridgestones
- xj900f
XJ900F Camchain Rattle
hi BOF i have only had my 900f since april this year and the milage has just reached 20k so not come across this problem yet
hi there BOF have googled wassell lincoln but could not find what you are on about could you give me a link also when you do your tank let me know how it goes as i would rather seal the tank before it leaks than after, i took my 900f down to keswick in august and it went with out a hitch and only stopped for petrol it's a great bike cheers fae colin
hi alibongo sorry for not replying sooner. have you ever had any problem with your petrol tank? i hear they are prone to rusting inside and was going to drain mine this winter and put in some por 15 tank sealer http://www.frost.co.uk/productList.asp?cat...;frostCat=Tanks link above for it sounds good stuff any opinions would be welcomed
gas tank sealer and petcock gaskets
http://www.frost.co.uk/item_Detail.asp?pro...=&subCatID= have a read of this link for your tank (think i'm gonna do mine soon with this)
How can I change my country flag to a welsh dragon ?
it's under estonia xmastree.
new to club
glad to hear your enjoying your bike. i came back to biking after 25yrs decided to do up a honda cd 175 to give my son an intrest but i got hooked my self, i also go fly fishing here in scotland for mostly rainbow trout been doing this for the last 5yrs but all friend are sort of drifting out of the fishing now so i've got an xj900f (1992 model) and going to start a bit of touring and fishing hopefully. i wish our petrol was as cheap as your i pay 97p a ltr (thats about £4.41 per uk gal)
- xj900f
going fishing
hi to you all . dose any one know the legal rules for carrying a 5foot fly rod on my xj900f i have just bought the bike and do a lot of fly fishing and would like to combine the two together . anyone else have a xj900f out there
Back to a yam
hi welcome back to biking, i'm the same just got back into it. just bought a yamaha xj900f (1992) very comfy, hope you decide on your bike and enjoy it , roll on summer asap
hard to handle
thanks for that will give these suggestions a try thanks again
hard to handle
can anyone advise on this problem i have just bought a xj900f and have noticed when leaning in to a corner the bike does not want to go far down and the handle bars want to turn into the corner (can be a bit scary at speed) the bike is fitted with continental tyres front and rear