Everything posted by R66R
XS850 clutch won't disengage...
Got it hot and it slipped right in... I bit of cable adjustment and cycles through all 5 gears just fine.Thank you for the help mate!
Hello - New member from the states
Thank you for the welcome gents- this is already become one of the best tools in the box. Wish I had joined sooner. Hope I can return the favor sometime!
XS850 clutch won't disengage...
Started up fine, thank you man. Plenty of tuning to do. Going to go through the exhaust clearcoat cure cycles and sync the carbs, adjust timing. No progress yet on the clutch while hot, but i'll get right back to you when it's had a proper back and forth.
XS850 clutch won't disengage...
Been afraid I can't start it without being able to pull the clutch, can I? In neutral without pulling in the clutch lever, I can kick it and hear and feel the travel through the motor (kick only with points, starter is still on the bike with no solenoid or button in circuit). But, with the clutch lever in and in neutral, there's only light resistance on the kick lever, no travel on the gears. In 1st with the clutch lever in, it drives the wheel as though they're engaged. Thank you Airhead. I'm new to all bikes, thought I had to be in neutral, clutch in, choke out, power on. Can I start in neutral, no clutch?
XS850 clutch won't disengage...
I'm nearly finished rebuilding my XS850 set in a 750 frame. I didn't touch the clutch outside of removing the cable, as it worked perfectly with full travel and play when I bought the bike and I had made no change to the mechanical pin adjustment. Problem is, cable routed and re-attached, I can't get the clutch to disengage. I did pull the motor, left it wet and upright during the frame off resto (3 months), and did have it lying on it's left side on a garage rug for roughly an hour as I slipped the frame back over and mounted it back up. The cable has full travel. I have played with both the motor and lever linkage adjustments as well as the mechanical adjustment (backing out nut, running screw to 'soft seat' and backing off 1/4 turn) for hours. I have also run the screw in gradually to hard seat while attempting to disengage, hope that wasn't a mistake. It is back at 'soft seat' now, no luck. I can see the pin travel in and back out of the case, but it will not release my shaft and let me spin the wheel. Any help and/or ridicule is absolutely welcome and appreciated! P.S.- As I had the bike on stand mid-disassembly, the tiny wire used by the PO in place of a cotter pin to hold the motor side linkage pin in place snapped under tension and released the linkage. It remained in that position for roughly 4 months before I re-attached the cable and secured the pin properly.
Hello - New member from the states
Thank you for the welcome, blackhat. Getting started now... Dig the Harley shot!
Hello - New member from the states
Actually my first time to join a forum as well... My name is Matt, I'm from Oklahoma City, and I've spent the last year stripping and rebuilding my first motorcycle. It's an XS 850 SG motor in a 750 2D frame. I have relied almost solely on the Clymers and bought the bike in reasonable working order. It needed a complete run-through and was running very rich at mid to low rpm, as well as had a few leaks and lots of rust. I'm the guy who's Dad and Uncle had bikes, and subsequent mishaps, and therefore the answer to the question "Can I get a motorcycle?" was always Hell No! Anyway, 39 years and 3 kids later, I'm diving in. I'm about to fire it up for the first time in a year and have some questions, glad you're all here.