Everything posted by g1hsg
Tips for ybr125 pulling away at junctions??
Just to clarify, do you mean that the Neutral light does NOT illuminate when you are in neutral or that it stays illuminated when you have a gear selected ?
New type of bike security
A GMP officer has just rung to say that as it's Friday night and they're busy dealing with the general lowlife it's not high on their list of priorities. I'd have tried to secure it when I saw it earlier but as I had my three idiotic Newfoundlands with me it wasn't practical. I'm off out now with a torch, spare padlock & chain to hopefully stop it getting re-stolen. Fortunately it's fairly well hidden where it was abandoned. Shame as it looked to be in good order apart from theft damage. Just been taxed as well so I can't see it being left unclaimed.
New type of bike security
Just found an 1995 XTZ660 Tenere lying in the long grass where I walk my dogs. Looks like ants or a Rottie would have been of some use to its owner, steering lock broken and ignition barrel missing. Reported to GMP who couldn't have sounded more disinterested had they been trying.
New type of bike security
Only a matter of time before the scrotes start taking anteaters with them when they are out on the prowl
Touchscreen phones and gloves - what's the answer ?
Thanks for all the pointers. sods law will now dictate that I never find my self in that position again. My phone stays in my backpack when I'm riding and I'd normally have let it go to voicemail but I was waiting for a call from the hospital about my mother in law (no jokes please - she's an absolute diamond). Neil
Touchscreen phones and gloves - what's the answer ?
Having just suited and gloved up yesterday my phone rang. I got it out of my bag easily enough but then disaster ! The glove material is an electrical insulator so wouldn't activate the touchscreen and I didn't really want to de-glove.but it was an important call that I needed to take. I thought initially that my nose would suffice just to answer the call but regrettably my nose appears to be clad in skin that is also an insulator ( and I have been blessed with a nose that would give Karl Malden a run for his money so hitting the intended spot would have been a challenge anyway ). In desperation I decided that my tongue would have to do. I did manage to answer the call but I would like to apologise to any visitors to Wigan Town centre who were unsettled by the sight of a slightly overweight middle aged man alternately wiping his nose and then licking his phone whilst swearing profusely. I'd go down the Bluetooth route but as a new rider I really don't need any distractions. Neil
ybr 125 egr or somthing?
Forgive this posting from a newbie BUT...what you are describing is the Air Induction System. This uses a negative pressure in the exhaust system to draw cool air from the filter housing via a reed (one way) valve to encourage continued combustion of any unburnt volatiles prior to it exiting the exhaust and thus destroying the planet and all life as we know it (admittedly this is a worst case scenario) plus your bike failing it's emission test at the the MOT. So No, it doesn't draw air into the box, quite the reverse. My advice, for what it's worth would be to leave well alone, the YBR125 will always be hampered by the fact that it's a small, four stroke single that was built for reliability not performance.
Accidental biker
I didn't intend to start riding. Honestly, I really didn't. Two months ago I was quite happy with my car. I've been driving since 1978 and never been particularly interested in cars other than as a tool to get from A to B. So what happened ? My 17 year old daughter decided that she didn't want to take up the driving lessons she was offered for her birthday, instead she announced that what she wanted was a scooter. Cue horrified looks from her mother and I (and also it turns out from all her friends many of whom tried to dissuade her), but he stuck to her decision and in March this year I took her along to do her CBT at a local bike school. She had such a massive grin on her face when I collected her that afternoon that I jokingly said that I might give it a try. So I did. I enjoyed it. A lot. I've just picked a secondhand YBR125 from a guy who is looking to move up to a middleweight. He kept it garaged and obviously cared for it but it still had the original Cheng Shin tyres on it. I've had it re shod in Michelin Pilot Streets and even with my incredibly limited riding experience it feels so much better. Currently trying to get at least an hours riding in a day, usually just as soon as I get home from work. Looking to learn my craft on the 125 and then move up to something larger once I've done my DAS. Had a couple of lessons on an ER6-n which was great. I never imagined that aged 54 the highlight of my day would be jumping onto my bike to just ride for the sheer enjoyment. Oh how I wish I'd discovered this 30 years ago !! Neil Manchester UK